What book are you reading...

Just finished reading "Do androids dream of electric sheep" and really enjoyed it. Decided to have a read based on loving Bladerunner and wanted to see what the inspiration for it was.

Thought it was brilliant in general. Very different to the film but much more enjoyable and philosophical about the nature of humanity. Without necessarily dwelling on the world too much I really got a feeling of desolation on earth and the state of the environment without Dick having to describe it as such.

Just started Ubik and so far, its pretty good.
Game of Thrones and sequels are all 99p on the kindle and via sainsburys ebooks at the moment, just trying to work out the correct order of books and which versions I should buy before doing so as there appear to be several versions for some of them. If anybody can help it'd be greatly appreciated :)

Right, if I've got this right it's the following order and that is it complete?

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1)
A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 2)
A Storm of Swords: Part 1 Steel and Snow (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3)
A Storm of Swords: Part 2 Blood and Gold (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3)
A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 4)
A Dance With Dragons: Part 1 Dreams and Dust (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 5)
A Dance With Dragons: Part 2 After The Feast (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 5)

So, £6.93 for the lot, a bargain some would say I guess :)
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Just came here to report on the 99p GoT books and... oh. :-) Incredible bang for your buck there, and it means my paperbacks can stay on the shelf when I allow myself the luxury of a second read through.

I picked up Lies of Loche Lamora as well, because it's one of those titles I keep hearing about without being too eager to investigate, and there's an Abercrombie in the 99p list which i got even though I've stalled horribly on the £10 Fir Law trilogy I bought last year.

At this rate my Kindle list is going to end up like my Steam list. Daren't search any more for fear of finding more titles I'm curious about... though at 99p, Steam sale principles apply. You can afford to support authors even if you never quite get round to reading them.
Just finished reading:

Neal Asher - Prador Moon

So I'm not starting: Shadow of the Scorpion which is the next one in the chronology and the first featering Agent Cormac.

Prador Moon, for a short book was actually really enjoyable and the world facsinated me, as did the Prador. Giant crab like aliens who graft guns onto their bodies and live for torturing, eating and experimenting on humans + frighteningly pragmatic AIs and a world full of Augments (especially for the mind) ala Deux EX.

Series is quite large too so can't wait to get stuck into the next ones....
Having made sure I had them all in correct I bought all the GoT books, along with the Wasp Factory from Iain Banks for 99p too :)

I've read a couple of Neal Asher books now, they've all been pretty good in my opinion and the rest are definitely on my to read list.
Just finished reading:

Neal Asher - Prador Moon

So I'm not starting: Shadow of the Scorpion which is the next one in the chronology and the first featering Agent Cormac.

Prador Moon, for a short book was actually really enjoyable and the world facsinated me, as did the Prador. Giant crab like aliens who graft guns onto their bodies and live for torturing, eating and experimenting on humans + frighteningly pragmatic AIs and a world full of Augments (especially for the mind) ala Deux EX.

Series is quite large too so can't wait to get stuck into the next ones....

Stick with the series, Agent Cormac is an epic character.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know if the Sainsbury's ebooks are compatible with really old Sony ebook readers? ;)
Just finishing a re-read of Red Seas Under Red Skies, in anticipation of Scott Lynch's third volume The Republic of Thieves, out next week. Can't wait ...
Just finishing a re-read of Red Seas Under Red Skies, in anticipation of Scott Lynch's third volume The Republic of Thieves, out next week. Can't wait ...

Only recently finished Lies of Locke, will have to man the second and read it next week ready for book 3!

Just picked it up with book 11 of the Dresden files, really enjoyable series.
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The Ranger- Ace Atkins.

Promised to be like a Jack Reacher book - it seems like a Justified rip off - don't buy it, it is rubbish.
Just finished Deadhouse Gates (Book 2 of The Malazan Book of the Fallen), phew! Hard work and overly long (could have knocked about 200 pages from it) but I did enjoy it. Won't be reading the third book for a while, have too many other books to read first.
Just finished the second Mangoliad book, brilliant series. Goodreads is great, wouldn't of read half the books I have this year, if it wasn't for that.

In the aftermath of the Mongolian invasion of 1241, beleaguered Christians struggle with the presence of a violent horde and a world turned upside down. Apocalyptic fever sweeps through Europe, infecting even the most rational individuals, leaving all to wonder if they are seeing the end times - or an hour when new heroes will emerge from the ruins of cataclysmic defeat.
An order of warrior monks, the Shield-Brethren, refuses to yield, plotting to overthrow the invaders despite insurmountable odds. Father Rodrigo Bendrito receives a prophecy from God and believes it's his mission to deliver the message to Rome. Along with the hunter Ferenc, orphan Ocyrhoe, healer Raphael, and alchemist Yasper, Rodrigo sets out to reclaim Europe. But to save Christendom, someone must slay the fierce Khan of Khans.
Brimming with intrigue and colorful characters, The Mongoliad: Book Two is a riveting, expertly rendered tale about the will to survive.

Now on a favourite series, Lee Child- Never go back (jack reacher).
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