What book are you reading...

Just finished Turn Coat from the Dresden files :eek:

Probably the best in the series (even though i tagged the 'mystery' villain the second they showed him in the book) to date and just started the next one straight away, after one chapter it already seems like it will be great!

Cracking series of books, can't wait for Jim to get the next ones out.
This last week iv finished...
Warhammer Spacemarine Battles: Rynns World. Started this last month but only finished it this week. really enjoyed it 7/10
Dexters Final Cut, enjoyed this aswell, that ending... hmmm 7/10
Descent of Angels (6th Horus Heresy book) LOVED this! one of my fav Horus Heresy books 9/10
Oh I hated her Farseer trilogy.

Whiny self involved pita of a main character that made it painful to read. It was like Thomas Covenant without the epic scale.

Just finished Ghost Story in the Dresden series just reading Cold Days, last of the currently published books. Be sad times when I finish it :( since start of August I have read all the books in series (about one a week with other random novels interspersed) and be gutted not to have another waiting. As I've said before not a high brow classic but a really fun and engaging series!
Do we have somewhere that keeps us informed of the latest kindle deals on Amazon?...there seem to be some great deals on there that I miss out on.

I am looking at Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End' by Manel Loureiroatm for a quid. Anyone read it?
Robin Hobb Farseer and Tawny Man trilogy books are just 99p each on kindle today, well worth the price :)
Hobb is one of those writers I've been meaning to 'dip a toe into' for a while, so common sense says picking up the first book is a very easy decision.

Of course I've now one-clicked all six, so that's a bit of a gamble. Still, I'm now treating my Kindle a bit like my Steam games list. I buy a lot of games at bargain prices, and don't feel guilty if I only take a quick look at them. I'm supporting a hobby I enjoy and encouraging heavy discounting which can be a surprisingly effective tactic, especially on digital content with negligible 'manufacturing' costs.


Do we have somewhere that keeps us informed of the latest kindle deals on Amazon?
http://uk.ereaderiq.com/ seems to be pretty good... when I remember to check it!

Edit: I see LOTR is going for 3 x 99p too. I think I've bought that enough times over the last 30+ years though, and I'm more likely to re-watch the movies now than read... especialyl with so many titles piling up on my Kindle.
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Currently gone a bit old school. About a quarter of the way through Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C Clark and it's very good so far.
Oh I hated her Farseer trilogy.

Whiny self involved pita of a main character that made it painful to read. It was like Thomas Covenant without the epic scale.

Just finished Ghost Story in the Dresden series just reading Cold Days, last of the currently published books. Be sad times when I finish it :( since start of August I have read all the books in series (about one a week with other random novels interspersed) and be gutted not to have another waiting. As I've said before not a high brow classic but a really fun and engaging series!

Fitz is nowhere near as bad as Thomas, that was an utterly dire book :-P
Just finished the newest Bob Skinner book by Quintin Jardine.

Now reading the fifth book in the Emperor series by Conn Iggulden.
just finished 'the easy way to control alcohol' by allen carr. Essential if you are trying to give up the booze and struggling.

Now onto Alex Fergusons biography :D
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