What can I do about a pesky tree? (parking issue)

30 Jul 2013
I'm posting this in Motors because it affects my car, and nothing else.

Basically I live in a cul-de-sac and my allocated parking area is underneath a rather large tree. Unfortunately the tree is behind a fence, at the bottom of a garden of another house (that isn't even part of the cul-de-sac) and causes me lots of problems

The two main ones are:

1) Birds - Sometimes I come out of the house to leave for work and the car is covered in acidic bird crap.

2) Sap - Springtime my car gets absolutely covered in sap, to the point where wipers and electric windows get stuck and it needs washing every few days.

And then in Autumn it gets covered in leaves and twigs which clog up my windscreen area where the windscreen washers are.

So far I've lived with it for 5 years with cars I've owned, but I will be contract hiring a car soon that has a panoramic sunroof and though I've been lucky with my cars, i'm concerned it could ruin the paintwork, and I won't be the owner of the vehicle.

As I understand it, you can cut plants that encroach on your property boundaries, but the tree is too high for me to reach cut branches off anyway - I don't mind talking to the person whose tree it is, but are they or their landlord legally obliged to do anything about it?
I should probably provide a photo to show the size we're dealing with.



Obviously it's winter so it looks smaller without the leaves.
As long as it’s not protected you can cut those branches off. Don’t throw them back over the fence though, it’s an easy way to cause agro with neighbours. It looks very high, perhaps ask them to get it trimmed.
Just hire a pole pruner with an extra metre extension pole. Stihl make one.

Stand on the roof of your car for extra height if needed. :D
You need to cut the whole lot down. You will always get mess on your car from wind etc. Especially in spring and autumn. I guess building some sort of car port is out of the question?
Short term I would get a car cover and some sort of outdoor storage to keep it in.

Long term I would approach the neighbour and ask if they would consider getting it cut down. 50/50 split the cost. I would imagine it sucks all the water/life out of their garden so they might be up for it.
Guessing that tree has been there longer than your house ! As above, you'll need to talk to the householder and agree to get it pruned down. Doing just your side is likely to cause problems so best done in a friendly way with them. Have plenty of lube ready: tree fellers never turn up and and are outrageously expensive when they do.
You need to cut the whole lot down. You will always get mess on your car from wind etc. Especially in spring and autumn. I guess building some sort of car port is out of the question?

We rent, so spending any money is a bit out of the question :)

The landlord literally do the bare minimum as well (but they do also leave us alone and haven't raised the rent in 5 years), so I won't be getting any help from them.
A canopy.

That needs to be cut down anyway, it's too big to be that close to a building. The roots will easily be reaching the foundations.
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If you chop it down low enough that there's no evidence you can simply claim that there was never a tree there in the first place and that all your neighbours are nuts. If you have this conversation completely naked you'll have no resistance, trust me.
Move. Park elsewhere. Or...and I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm considering a mobile garage!
Had similar issue a few years ago but lived with it... inconvenient for sure but the tree was there first and the birds that called it home hadn’t really done anything wrong.
Sorry but IMO if you are a renter than you have less rights in my mind, and should either put up with the tree which was likely there before the newbuild matchbox, or move!
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