What can I do about a pesky tree? (parking issue)

By the way, this is the sort of mess I come out to:

Holy moly how have you put up with coming out to that most mornings for so long :eek: , ask them if you can prune it back on your side or look at getting something erected to park the car under.
I have an idea.

The picture is too dark to see exactly what's right behind the car (aside from the bins) (circled in yellow), but could you not move the bins, and then park a) right up to the house, and b) at a bit of an angle (as illustrated by the red)? This would mean it's mostly out of the tree's shadow, and you could perhaps put a sheet over the front corner of the car when it's parked if it's still an issue?

The bins aren't usually there, I just happened to take the photo as soon as I got back home on bin-day

The car is as far back as it can go, as there is a line of shrubbery and then a little path leading to the door.

House is end terrace (of 4) and sadly not much room next to me when my neighbour parks their van outside their house.
Just talk to the owner of the tree and be reasonable. Failing that, car cover from Halfords.
I was thinking car cover, but now I've seen the photo I don't think that helps. It would become a sodden ****** mess within days and health hazard to fit/remove. Where would you even keep something so disgusting?
I assume you've done the sensible thing and had a conversation with your neighbour about pruning the tree back a bit?

How did the conversation go?
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