What causing my PC crashes?


My PC had been running normally and was very happy for about a week. I had XMP enabled, but nothing else changed in BIOS - completely default.

It's just started to crash again and I have absolutely no idea why. It sometimes happens straight after booting up and logging into my windows account! So it can't be temperature related.
Sometimes it happens when simply watching a Youtube video with nothing open in the background, sometimes when gaming, sometimes when idle even!

Is there a way I can create a log file for why the PC has crashed?

Edit: It literally just crashed as I was typing that :mad::mad:

I might be ready to throw this thing out the window.
are you trying for a cpu all core clock of 5ghz with 4000mhz ram?, tbh you'll be very very lucky to get that on both components, i suspect if you are overclocking both cpu to 5ghz and ram to 4ghz the imc on the cpu cant keep up, try your cpu clock only and if that holds increase your ram speed start at 3600mhz and boost to 3800mhz if the last setting works, if 3800mhz on ram works with a 5ghz all core cpu clock try 4ghz for the ram, if at this point you get any weird behavoir or crashes i do belive the ram is simply set to high for the imc on the cpu to keep up and no matter how many volts you use nothing will change, if you keep pushing you could damage the cpu so be careful

Sorry, I've kept everything on default in BIOS. I've not trying to overclock at all.
For example right now, I've got XMP disabled, everything at default and it's still crashing. Running at base clock of 3.6Ghz
Just checked BIOS:



I'm wondering if I need to use the extra CPU header on the mobo to give it more juice?
extra eps 8 pin for cpu power, only really needed if you start pushing the cpu overclock, but it cant hurt to install and see if that helps

i've just seen your first post regarding the ram, you've got a quad set, split them up into there pairs and test each kit one at a time, if everything works fine at xmp but not when all installed and xmp'd that may be the issue, long short of it the imc on the cpu isnt up to the taks running 4 stick of ram at 4000mhz, if your crashing at 2400mhz with all 4 sticks you must have a real doosy of a cpu :( , you've already ran ram tests and all came back ok which points to the cpu, test the ram in dual channel mode to find out

I've just removed two sticks.
Should I enable XMP with my 16gb of ram?
for testing start at 2400mhz and if that passes then yes enable xmp and see if the same test passes if they do the first set of ram is ok, power down and install the second set and do the same first at 2400mhz and test and then again at 4000mhz via xmp, if after the tests both ram kits work in there pairs then its a cpu issue, but install all 4 again at 2400mhz and see if the problems start if they do your cpu imcc is a bit poor :(

I really appreciate your help, thank you.

It's just crashed with 2 sticks at 2400MHz, no xmp.

Now trying with the other 2 sticks in the other channel..
Sorry could I send them to you on WhatsApp please instead? I can dm you my number?

Blue screen didn't give an error code that I can recall.. I was tok frustrated to pay too much attention.

Not sure which bios version, but I updated it to the latest one last week
dont have WhatsApp on my phone currently :( ,you say you updated the bios to the latest version?, i checked asus's website and that would mean your on bios version 0820, i rule of thumb with bios's is never ever update to the latest version as they are usally filled with bugs which need to be worked out, luckly you will be able to roll back to version 0811 as both bios's are the same size, install 2 sticks of ram and download version 0811 and install it, once done repeat the tests with 2 sticks of ram at auto and at xmp, if everything goes to plan the pc should behave normally with no issues

Understood, I will download and install version 0811.
I couldn't see any issues when I removed all my RAM, the RAM connectors themselves look fine too.
I really hope it's just a BIOS bug! That'd be amazing!

I've had enough of banging my head against the wall for this evening so will resume tomorrow and post another update

Thank you again :)
So my pc has just crashed three times in a row to blue screen while booting.



Error 3: System Service Exception

I didn't even get to download the bios version..

It sounds like there are some corrupt drivers / software on my system? That might be why reinstalling windows "fixed" it last time... For a week at least...
All those boot attempts were with 2 sticks of RAM.

My OS is on my SSD (M.2) and I use a hard drive via SATA for other storage stuff like videos and pics etc.

I disconnected the SATA and it refused to boot.

I've just removed 1 stick and plugged the SATA back in and it's booted up.

I will download the bios now onto a stick and attempt to change the bios version
hopefully they can sort it out, just mention that you think the cooler may be too tight or that the cpu may have debris on the gold pins and the only way to know for sure it to take the chip out and check, if they do the above and your pc still isnt working then as me and @azazl187 said the cpu is most likley damaged and a new one will be required

Yeah will do.

I slackened off the cooler earlier and it still crashes. On the phone they seemed to think it's the mobo.. we'll see I guess!
i very much doubt the boad is at fault given we rolled back the bios and the issue is still there, sure if the bios roll back happened and then the pc 100% didnt post then thats a bricked board for sure and then a new one will be needed, but it didnt, the issue was the ram would not go any faster than 2133mhz and that relates to the cpu, the imc (intregtaed memory controller) was moved off the board and placed on the cpu way back in the 4/5th gen intel chips and even earlier on amd.

just be careful and dont get phobbed off, if they offer the same board again sure go ahead and see if it works but if you get the same problem on the new board 100% its the cpu at fault nothing else.

keep us updated, and just be careful

Yep I will report back with my findings in a few days time. They need a few days for diagnosis apparently.

They're very highly rated so we'll see. Fingers crossed

Pc shop has done their diagnosis and found:

CPU is faulty, needs to be returned to Intel under warranty for a replacement.
PSU connector is melted and damaged?? How??
SSD (with my OS on it) is also damaged so won't allow the pc to boot properly.

So I need to replace all of these! There goes my monthly budget..
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