What do you get a friend for a 20th birthday who has everything?

Amp34 said:
I can't believe they're allowed to advertise those in the main windows of an anne summers shop on a main high street! :eek: :(

I know! My monocle popped out when I first went passed. Sheer filth.
Lostkat said:
You're a photographer. Go photograph something she'll like and frame it for her. Very personal :)
Agreed (though since it's about the only serious suggestion... :p )

Surely you would know best, just get something either personal (either between the two of you or something she has mentioned she would like - though i realise if you were aware of the latter you would probably have not made this thread), or unique - i find people like to have things that they know nobody else (or very few people) has. This need not be expensive, art gallery/museum shops often sell stuff by original designers, which can be good value. Also high-end markets (Manchester often has quite a few, and London. Not sure about other places)
iCraig said:
I know! My monocle popped out when I first went passed. Sheer filth.


Scythe said:
Gotta go for the platinum :p

Better than men? Pah!
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Get her nothing, it could somehow be ironic :D

On a serious note though, jewellry idea. cant have enough according to GF...

(possibly a subtle hint there? I didnt hear it)
seaviewuk said:
Hmm, I just spotted a gap in the market.

a USB vibrator complete with integrated webcam. :D :D :eek:

Already made one, sort of - you get to direct it anywhere in the world lol
suicidle_tramp said:

"Mummy do you have one of those?"

or even worse

"Mummy whats one of those?"

Whats the difference between advertising one of those and an adult film? Mens adult shops have to have blacked out windows and cant advertise anything on the outside, including mens sex toys. I know there is a slight difference but not much. To be honest i think anne summers gets away with far more than it should.
Buy her a cool round glass fish bowl and get her 2 goldfish and everything to go in it, they arnt too much cos they are cold water simple fish!
I wonder how her boyfriend would feel about you getting her either a sex- toy or something very personal

If a male friend of mine got me any like that I would be seriously creeped out and would expect Desmo to feel a little put out

I think you should leave the sex and personal pressies to her boyfriend , which clearly isn't you ! .. Buy her a few drinks on her b'day night out or something and focus your attention onto single ladies
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