What do you get a friend for a 20th birthday who has everything?

Muban said:
:D I know they're great. Now you can get me one too?? :p I have been looking at them for while now but haven't ordered one becuse I can't decide which one I like most! Flask shaped airswitch..... no, the aduki..... no, the tuba....... no, solar eclipse........ no, lunar eclip....... bah decisions decisions, you get the idea. Will order one just as soon as I have made a choice :)

btw, the lamp turned up today and tested it. It took a bit to get used to, and a little practice to get it working like the demo. I got the on/off and dim down working but brighten the light is very tricky, since your hand start low and move up. And as soon as you put the hand low above the lamp it dims a little before it brighten up as you move it away.

It is very cool thou, to have a flask as a lamp AND a hand movement switch.
Here's a pic


I love it now, might keep this myself and get her a different one :p
basmic said:
Why do you recommend the platinum? Do you have a personal experience to share? ;)
Not personal, but lets say i know some people that have had 'experiences' with them. It was a buzzing experience apprently :p
Muban said:
OOOooo I like it.... dangit, will have to get myself one now :)

A moot point, i've tried waving my mouse mat or a TV remote over it, but it seems only my hand (or human bodyparts) can turn it on and control it...it is a strange technology indeed.
Raymond Lin said:
A moot point, i've tried waving my mouse mat or a TV remote over it, but it seems only my hand (or human bodyparts) can turn it on and control it...it is a strange technology indeed.
What other body parts have you tried waving over it?? :confused: :eek: No wait don't tell me :p I still want one..... a lamp that is.
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