What do you get from getting married?

Stop them going on about it?

Loose all your stuff should it go wrong?

A relationship that is super complicated to end?

There are no real benefits for a guy to get married, its a good idea for the girl though, especially if you have a kid.

When you've got kids, being married gives you a great sense of family. You get nothing concrete, but it's a big gesture of commitment to each other which can't be a bad thing. I'm very happily married, but we were engaged eight years before we got round to it.
The financial benefits are some rights around pensions, capital gains tax and no death duties.

The main non financial benefit is next of kin rights. If you are not married and your partner has a serious accident you don't count as next of kin.

There are also legal protections in the event of a break up. If you are unmarried and the house is in your partners sole name then you will have a very difficult time proving you are entitled to any of it. The same with any other assets held in single names.

Finally there are parental rights, unless you register the birth with the mother (after 2003), as an unmarried father you have no parental rights and would need to apply to court for them.
As long as both parties learn to live with each other... and deal with each others bulls*** with upmost and I mean upmost patience... Marriage provides:

A cooked meal once in a while.
A clean home when its not the type of the month.
Sex if your lucky.
... ... ... thats all really :confused:

jokes aside.

The silence of loneliness, esacially when your 50 years down your life and your still single.
Someone to look after you,
Care for you,
Someone to talk to,
etc etc
It's so if one of you dies, the other gets all the stuff. That's pretty much it. It's for legal reasons but of course people will argue otherwise. This is why gay marriage should be allowed.
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