What do you get from getting married?

If you have an argument each party will put 10% more effort into working it out if they are married. You also get all their stuff if you kill them.
I've been married 16 years and have had breakfast in bed every morning (when I've been home) since our honeymoon....plus regular nookie, someone to pick up after me, look after me when I'm sick, share stuff with, get hammered with, drive me and my mates home after a night out on the juju, make the dinner, keep me on the straight and narrow, laugh with, cry with, have kids with, and basically share my life with. It pretty damned great tbh......
The vast majority of people replying with what marriage gives you are kind of wrong. You could have those things without being married.

Personally, I'm all for marriage but not because you get someone to wash your pants, clean the house, speak to, make love with, yadda yadda because all that can (and is) be provided in a non-married relationship. I'm in it for the wedding itself. I'm a total poof and love big, classical, weddings.
It's a social thing, not so much for the couple, but for the wider family and friendship group.

It will probably change their family's attitude to you, they may start to consider you one of their own. In some countries a man's wife is his property, and a wedding ring may make a women's life easier (I realise that's unlike to be the country you are in, but you may travel).

Assuming that you are a man who has earns more during the relationship post-marriage it will disadvantage you financially in the event the relationship ends.

Any children may have an easier ride at school from teachers and other children - again, depending where they are educated.
It's so if one of you dies, the other gets all the stuff. That's pretty much it. It's for legal reasons but of course people will argue otherwise. This is why gay marriage should be allowed.

A will is cheaper if that's your view. Gay wills, now that's a business idea.
I will have been with my good lady for almost 20 years (will be 20 on March 24 2013), we have three fantastic children (1 boy who is 12 and 2 girls 10 and 2) a nice house and we share everything, I would say that’s commitment wouldn’t you?

p.s. we are not married but we are not against marriage either and do plan to do it at some point it's just not as important as some make out. :)
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It's the most committed you can be to each other. I overlook that's theoretical because it's clearly true for 99.9% of people. A 'yes' seems to me to say 'I really do want to spend the entirety of my life with you'.

That's more than enough for me.
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