What do you like in your sandwich?

Cook some ciabatta in the oven.

Get some steak, pan fry to seal the outside, let it rest then cut very thinly.

Dress some rocket in lemon juice and olive oil.

Mayonaise with a little bit of sliced chilli in it.

I'm trying to eat healthy so my love of bad sandwiches has been cut short.

Peanut butter with; Jam or Gherkins was always a favourite, Banana's are good as well cut in to thin slices and spread over the peanut butter. Obviously freshly baked bread was a must :p
i like those frankfurters you can get in those packets.

basically slice two of them lengthways, lay em in the bread (no butter, unhealthy ;) ), and put some mayo on, with some BBQ sauce. total heaven. its like a hotdog, without the roll.
This thread makes me happy, just when I thought the "La Cuisine" forum had brought out the ponce in people, we have such marvels to counteract it as the tomato ketchup and mustard pizza base sarnie!
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