What do you name your servers?

All sorts of names get used, current servers get sumerian names.
Test and development servers get boring names since it easier to remember what servers are running what regards apps.
I use the phonetic alphabet. Alpha, bravo, charlie etc

Same. 40 Servers at the moment, but Roles are given the same name.

Alpha1/Alpha2 - Dc's

Foxtrot1/2 - Exch'07

Echo1/2/3/4 - File servers...

You get the idea.. :)
In work I use Marvel characters such as Galactus, Juggernaut, ProfessorX, Beast etc. At home I am working of Generation 1 Transformers.

Currently have some real geeky usage of character names with similarities to the intended usage. Media centers are Soundwave and Blaster (cassette player transformers), Firewall is Omega Supreme (guardian of the ark), gaming system is Galvatron (the most powerful Transformer pound for pound), Server is called Computron (biggest and cleverest transformer I could think off). The onlt name I am unhappy with is the gaming system being called Galvatron. It's fast, but I am having real stability issues so something like Blur would probably be more appropriate.
Ours were named after tennis players (Agassi, Borg, Connors, Dent in one office, Austin, Barker, Capriati and Davenport in the other) "because they were all great servers". Thanks to a former chief exec for that one.

The company I'm with now is a lot less interesting.

Next time I get to choose, it's going to be the System Lords from Stargate (Anubis, Baal, Camulus etc) :cool:

Where SF is the domain
x= 0 for physical servers, 1 for client pc's and v for virtualised machines
y= OS, so Vista, XP, W2K3
z = server role or initials of user

So. SFVW2K3-EPO is our virtualised McAfee EPO server running on Windows 2003 server :) SF1VISTA-FT is my machine ;)

Logical and easy to work out.
about 10 - 12 years ago we used to name our servers after random things. the pdc was called laurell and the bdc hardy. another one was uncle buck (named due to the rather "large" guy working in the team at the time.

now we used names like 000sys01l or 200fpe01l or 000web10T.. how things have got all too "professional" lol
Ours were named after tennis players (Agassi, Borg, Connors, Dent in one office, Austin, Barker, Capriati and Davenport in the other) "because they were all great servers". Thanks to a former chief exec for that one.

lol that's brilliant. I could imagine him considering that was his week's work done, after coming up with that.

There's a wiki thing I think for network naming schemes - the website is: http://namingschemes.com/Main_Page

We use places in London for our network-
servers are boroughs - westminster, southwark, kensington etc
workstations are streets - regentstreet, oxfordstreet,
printers are squares - leicestersquare, warwicksquare
Company Prefix eg;


Server Location (3 fig prefix)


Server Purpose (FS, DC, SS, ARC, EX)


Server ID (01, 02, 03 etc)




:) Easy

I like the OP server names, naming after cities :)
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