What do you name your servers?

It used to be down to the apps developers. but now there seems to be a boring defined standard for naming servers.

I liked the apps developers way because we occasionally got interesting names.

I was asked to name some internal servers once. But after suggesting the following I was never asked again :


If you haven't worked it out from the names above, I didn't think much of the servers.
how do some of you know what your connecting to when you think "ah i need site 2 or site b domain controller"

and your servers are named after cities, cars and planets? i feel sorry for new employees!
how do some of you know what your connecting to when you think "ah i need site 2 or site b domain controller"

and your servers are named after cities, cars and planets? i feel sorry for new employees!

If you want to have clustered servers then choose names that fit the scale and or purpose of the cluster.

2 Node Cluster
Node 1: Homer
Node 2: Marge

3 Node cluster
Node 1: Bart
Node 2: Lisa
Node 3: Maggie

Primary & DR situation
Primary : MrBurns
DR: Smithers
My last company was a little boring.


ASP = Aspen - the company name.

xx = 2 letter name for the site, eg HH, PS etc

yyyy = Server function, such as SVR = AD server, EXCH = Exchange, WEB = IIS

Rather boring, but you weren't racking your brains as to what server you need and wondering whether it's "Mars" or "Jupiter"!
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