What do you pay for Sky / Virgin media

I was paying 38.00 a month for the basic tv package, 50 meg broadband and phone line. But as we dont use virgin box to watch tv I changed my package to just the broadband and phone for 24.49 a month. Dont need the phone line but without it prices goes up to 28 quid.

Happy with deal just need to find a freeview box.
9 day in to having Sky and I almost had to cancel yesterday

When I signed up, the guy quoted me £56.40 a month for the complete package. And he said that is my price for the duration of the contract and it won't go up. I asked this several times and he confirmed each time that it's just the price, it's not an offer.

He also told me I'm entitled to £200 of vouchers, but when I called, it's actually only £100 and they told me that I must have been hearing things. But I definitely didn't as I have it written down on a bit of paper he gave me to remind me what I'm getting. So he lied to me there basically.

2 days later Sky increase their prices so it goes up to £60, which is fair enough, can't really argue with that although he told me Sky aren't increasing their prices any time soon.

But anyway, yesterday I'm trying to sign up for Fibre when I see after six months my price goes up to £75!! I call Sky up straight away and at first speak to the most unhelpful guy in the world who basically just says "Yeah, and what?". So at that point I just say I want to cancel. Go through to another woman who is very helpful and very nice, froze my price at £50 for the duration of the contract and credited my account with the first month.

But word of warning...be careful when using the Sky stores to sign up. They are slimy ****s who will say whatever to get a sale.

And MissChief, thanks for the code! It was too late to use it and the hassle of cancelling and signing up as my girlfriend instead seemed too much hassle but appreciate the code anyway mate :)
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