What Do You Want in Half-Life 3?

27 Jan 2005
For a start these Episode 1,2 and 3 are expansion packs for HL2, so none of this 'it's really Hl3' nonsense because it isn't, and lets face it - there will be a HL3, or at least there should be.

So, what would you like to see in that game whether it be graphical, gameplay suggestions or whatever.
well im not sure as of yet it all depends where the story leads to with ep 2 and 3 not that bothered about gfx as half-life 1 and 2 proved you dont need to have the best gfx around at the time to make a fun game with a decent story

the only thing that i would want is some closure tho i hope it doesnt be like hl2 where we only get half the story and making us wait for the next packs
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A no fancy ******** plot.

Example of a good plot:

You are rock 'ard, you must kill torrents of GM monsters against evil governments and lay fit gaming bird until you are raw.

Example of a bad plot:

Ah welcome back. Good to meet you. Help us out. We must get here and stop this thing which were are not going to explain. BANG! Oh dear Mr Freeman.
Vai said:
No loading screen every 5 minutes :)
Ditto + no stuttering (or have they fixed that now?) + no 'motion sickness' (found out & fixed this the other day - thought I was weird :o ) + [will fill in when i think of more] :D
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Valve said themselves that these episodes are Half-life 3 sequel in the form of episode expansions. Instead of taking another 4 years to make a sequel they decided to make these episodes instead, these are basically experimental and if sucessful all future content could be like this with no true sequel, also it gives them a chance to experiment with different features. An example would be the new portal game that will ship with Episode 2.

If they worked say like 4 years on a sequel and included a new feature an example of a feature would be the portal gun and if it played a major part in the game and if people didn't like it, it would be a major blow to them where as if they release it with episodes they can say "Ok that didn't work so good we'll try something different/ or improve on it". If the feature didn't work so well would you rather have 10 months work down the toilet or 4 years worth?

Was explained better with an interview with Gabe Newell but can't be bothered to dig it up. So basically he said dont expect a Half-Life sequel anytime soon. It took 6 years for the sequel to the original half-life and Gabe and many others in the company didn't want people to wait that long again.
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The episodes around 4 hours in gampeplay length or 8? So in theory x that by 3 (episodes) and you have a game for around twice the price of HL2 when it was launched and less gameplay time. I like idea of expansion packs, but I want a whole game - I don't want a few hours here and wait 6 months for the other part and a few improvements.

I'd rarther wait a few years, let PC's becomes faster as always and have another mind blowing leap in graphics and physics as HL and Hl2 situation in which after jjust a few years HL2 has made Hl1's graphics that I once thought were awesome look absoloutly pathetic.
err, AFAIK they've confirmed that there WILL be a HL3 - and that they've already started work on ep 3 :)

Im just guessing here so don't hold me to it but I think Gordon's story will end with these episodes and will probably move onto another story or from another persons perspective like opposing force did. Would you like to wait till like 2009 to finish it? I certainly wouldn't and neither does valve. Because they can't drag the G-man thing along forever people would get bored.

Edit: If its been confirmed how come no review sites such as Gamespot and IGN dont have it listed? There's nodoubt there will be a sequel but it wont be anytime before the end of 2008 and probably wont include Freeman since it seems like the mystery behind G-man will be revealed (just an opinion, not a fact)
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A storyline. Even bigger environments, less linear routes through the game, more enemies and more night time maps. Possibly even real time lighting?
kalanium said:
Valve said themselves that these episodes are Half-life 3 sequel in the form of episode expansions. Instead of taking another 4 years to make a sequel they decided to make these episodes instead, these are basically experimental and if sucessful all future content could be like this with no true sequel, also it gives them a chance to experiment with different features. An example would be the new portal game that will ship with Episode 2.

That was a combination of marketing and covering their own ass in case things go wrong.

kalanium said:
If they worked say like 4 years on a sequel and included a new feature an example of a feature would be the portal gun and if it played a major part in the game and if people didn't like it, it would be a major blow to them where as if they release it with episodes they can say "Ok that didn't work so good we'll try something different/ or improve on it". If the feature didn't work so well would you rather have 10 months work down the toilet or 4 years worth?

These people are VERY experience game developers and your telling me that they don’t know if an idea is good or not ?
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kalanium said:
Valve said themselves that these episodes are Half-life 3 sequel in the form of episode expansions. Instead of taking another 4 years to make a sequel they decided to make these episodes instead, these are basically experimental and if sucessful all future content could be like this with no true sequel, also it gives them a chance to experiment with different features. An example would be the new portal game that will ship with Episode 2.

If they worked say like 4 years on a sequel and included a new feature an example of a feature would be the portal gun and if it played a major part in the game and if people didn't like it, it would be a major blow to them where as if they release it with episodes they can say "Ok that didn't work so good we'll try something different/ or improve on it". If the feature didn't work so well would you rather have 10 months work down the toilet or 4 years worth?

Was explained better with an interview with Gabe Newell but can't be bothered to dig it up. So basically he said dont expect a Half-Life sequel anytime soon. It took 6 years for the sequel to the original half-life and Gabe and many others in the company didn't want people to wait that long again.

Although I love HL2 and Episode 1, I'd prefer it if they didn't release games cut into episodes. I mean how long have we had to wait for EP1? 2 years? Then they announce EP2 will be out in only 6 months. Personally I would have rather waited a little longer and been able to get episodes 1 and 2 in one game. But I guess they make more money this way. First we had subscription fees in games, now we are starting to see games split into episodes, whats next on the agenda? 'cos it wont end here.

William said:
A no fancy ******** plot.

Example of a good plot:

You are rock 'ard, you must kill torrents of GM monsters against evil governments and lay fit gaming bird until you are raw.

I would suggest Duke Nukem 3D.
I imagine there will be a HL3 but it will be a long time before it's even mentioned. I'm sure they will do it when they have made their next generation engine. This will be a long time since Source will be around for a while yet especially since they frequently update the engine features.
Yes XPE I'm sure Valve can see into the future and already know if somethings going to workout perfectly. Gabe or one of the valve team even said so themselves that they can use these episodes to experiment with different things. Oh and did I ever say once they aren't experienced developers? Just because your experienced doesn't mean you don't make mistakes nothing/no-one in this world is perfect.

And skullman I do agree but if they could make sequels quicker they wouldn't need to try this. Its a fact that people want things as quickly as possible since games are Improving every year it takes a lot more resources and time to develop and to keep the production time down more man power is needed. Episode 2 may even be delayed since Episode 1 was unless they managed to get back on track, but I imagine they will want it out for the holiday season. If the episodes are purchased over steam it works out to about £!1 so 3x11=£33 which I wouldn't say is that bad, but don't forget that EA is publishing it and the game stores need to make a profit so thats why its more expensive on disk. Steam just cuts out the middle man and you get it cheaper
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A longer, more intense storyline, nice new weapons, although not much of a change as I quite like the one's in hl1 and hl2. You can't really change things all that much as it'll loose the whole half life feel. Most of these have been said, but I think the most important is a better ending! I think it's safe to say, the ending of hl2 kinda sucked :)
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