What even is American Grade 1 Maths?

So an absolute conspiracy theorist nut case who's now "home schooling"

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say creationism not evolution will be taught in that house



Funny that its been long proven that home schooled kids in America usually end up doing much better than the state funded education over there.

You know that all the Americans that can't even spot any single country on a map or don't know what religion Buddhist monks are all went to normal schools right?
If you want you can look at the content specification, some of the recently introduced content covers fairly advanced vectors and even touches on basic calculus with integration and differentiation. It's objectively harder

E: not to mention mathematical proof and iteration!

And I still bet none of those kids know how to, or could grasp coding.
GCSE maths used to be an absolute joke, at our school we didn't even do it across the 2 GCSE years, we did GCSE statistics in year 10 and then GCSE maths in year 11. It can't have got much easier :p

Oh Im not saying GSCE maths is hard.

Im saying the opposite in fact, that the concept in the OP is so ridiculously simple that teachers are making it far more hard than it needs to be.

Maybe thats why its harder because they now feel the need to overcomplicate simple algebra?
I think I understand your position now, if you have a general antipathy for teachers then there is no convincing you.

No actually, teachers and the whole education system in Finland and other Scandinavian countries is great.

All education following the US and UK curriculum based methods have been long obsolete and flawed for several decades now.

I most surely learned nothing all the way up to university that has ever helped me with finding work or making a living, as is the same for the vast majority of of people.
I've seen pictures of a UK I.T test asking kids to list 10 components in a PC.

One kid was marked wrong for putting 'M.2 Nvme SSD' and corrected to 'Floppy drive', which about sums up the entire process of learning based on a set curriculum.

The curriculum and skills being taught in state funded schools never match what is expected for the current time to be able to find employment.

I couldn't even choose to take an I.T or any computer based subject for my GCSEs in 1999.
O Levels were already far harder than GCSEs, which were actually dumbed down because too many girls used to fail them.

Rinse and repeat since the introduction of GCSEs, they were continuously dumbed down to allow more demographics of underperforming kids to pass.

This is a fact that most people are aware of. The absolute tosh in the OP and actual teachers defending it is clearly evident of this.

'Kids are too dumb to learn algebra so we have to teach them all this airy fairy making 10 with counting beans pseudo nonsense that most normal people will never understand, and no actual person will ever ask about in any real world scenario'.
Did the person completing the exam paper get internet access to the link with further explanation though?

The further explanation doesn't even make sense which is the point, and that is what 5 year old kids are being taught.

Then we wonder why kids are getting dumber. Gee I wonder how and why that could be?

Simply teaching algebra would be easier to all 5 year olds than this crap is.

People defending it by saying 'kids are too dumb to understand algebra' ... You mean dumb kids are too dumb to learn algebra. Doing the methods in the OP simply brings the normal and clever kids down to the same level as the dumb ones. Now everyone can be equally dumb and not understand anything when they leave school. Ultra mega 'EVERYONE CAN BECOME ANYTHING THEY WANT TO BE' wokey dopes leaving school to study their Artisanal Sandwich Making course at Subways is all we are ending up with as a result.
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At that age we did coins and how to make certain amounts with different combos.

So I was the only person sat through primary school being given tests of sums with a neat trick question for number 20 that made every test incredibly interesting?

In year 3, myself and a few other kids actually asked our teachers for maths homework because we wanted more that we could do at home before we were meant to be given homework.

We had these books I can't remember the name of that we were given that got progressively harder, SPSG or some such? It became a challenge to see who could get through most of them. They were not just maths either, loads of general knowledge, trivia and things that kids should be learning in them. It was actually fun going through those books and learning the stuff in them.

I was one of the few kids constantly asking to take more of those books home to do.

Maybe they are too expensive to print for every kid nowadays or something.
Well at 5 years old I doubt we did a lot other than start times tables, reading, singing, painting, playing etc

Found it, they were 'SPMG' books, actually Scottish education ones it seems back in the 80s:


We were still given these in England in years 3 & 4, they were actually super decent and thorough, and if you found them easy you simply kept going through them to the next ones.

We used to be given printed books per kid, and you did the exercises in the actual books using pencil (maybe they then erased them to give to the next kids, I don't remember the books being pre used or not).
Such fun.

I always wanted things like these as a kid but never got any. Never had any lego either, only Scrabble, boggle, a geosaffari, oh god and a bunch of Readers Digest atlases and books on animals and planets that my dad thought would be useful. They actually were though, though Readers Digest are crap.

Yes I used to read massive hardback books about mushrooms when I was 6.
We used to have encyclopedias back then since it was prior to the internet.

Oh yes that's what they were. My dad simply had a bookcase full of such encyclopedias and atlases that I would sit and read through. They had loads of images of planets, dinosaurs, mushrooms etc.

But apparently 5 year olds today are too dumb to learn 8+9.
Exactly. The alternative is we only teach number bonds and then everyone is dead chuffed their kid can recite times table but has no idea what the method is or why the answer is what it is.

Except this actually works?

The methods are taught when teaching those things, or are you meaning to blame teachers that don't bother to also teach the methods alongside typical calculations?

Kids would easily understand such concepts if you actually bother to teach the methods, don't blame bad / lazy teachers which happens as the norm as being a case of kids being too dumb to understand.
. But if 'dad' can't comprehend and count at his age to help his kid learn - all is lost.

Thats not the issue here though is it? Most adults cannot understand that question, nor the ultra woke 'Making 10 using addends' BS explanation on how to do it.

They understand the maths and numbers, not all these stupid methods that are being used to compensate for bad teachers / dumb kids that can't learn the normal way how most of us already did.

Most kids in fact would be able to understand how to do 8+9 mentally by rounding one of the numbers to a 10, then adding or subtracting the difference if they were properly taught the method for doing so. However todays education system needs to be catered around trying to make the dumbest / mentally challenged kids be able to do it, so instead everyone is bought down to that level instead of normal and clever kids being given a chance to learn things properly.
My missus just tore your post apart, but I'd get a holiday for writing what she said. She advised you to go read the maths curriculum then come back and comment. Rounding is one of the methods taught, as is tens and ones. It's about teaching a variety of methods as not all children will understand all methods and it gives them all a good base.

Like I could care what your missus or any other 'teacher' could think, when its entirely their fault that kids today are unemployable due to their illiteracy and poor numeracy skills. Her 'tearing me apart' obviously shows how poorly her language skills must actually be to be able to explain her point calmly, I really hope this isn't a someone that is also being allowed anywhere near kids!

Of course teachers are going to defend their outdated and proven useless methods despite however much evidence shows that kids are leaving school ill prepared for todays highly competitive job markets.

I've already heard and seen it enough times, most people become teachers as a backup plan after failing to become the next best environmental activist with their geography degree or some such. They are hardly an unbiased source on how amazing they think the education system is.

Everyone today is taught at the lowest levels possible and with declining and easier pass requirements so that everyone has a lovely fair and equal chance of becoming the next doctor. Then we wonder why we end up needing to hire our doctors from other countries instead, like hurr meet durr!

As for your claim that teachers teach 'multiple methods', the question in the OP doesn't look like 'multiple methods' to me, and I wonder who is wrong when neither the kids nor their parents, or most people on multiple internet forums can even understand it?

Never mind, lets just keep blaming it on dumb kids and bad parents, surely its never the teacher's fault for never being able to properly teach such airy fairy woke methods.

I could actually have become a teacher very easily and likely still could. Let that sink in before you continue holding teachers to such a high regard.
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Throwing all the "woke this" and "woke that" then watch you get triggered by some random's wife on an Internet forum... I'm sure you'd make a great teacher :cry:

There's no such thing as a 'great' teacher, least not in the UK or US. Maybe try understanding the point next time. ANYBODY that passed Uni can become a teacher, and most people would not become teachers if they hadn't failed at becoming whatever they thought they wanted to do with whatever they studied.

Most teachers back when I was at school did nothing but shout and scream at the kids all day long anyway. Maybe that guys wife is also one of those.

Lol being lectured by a NEET

Throwing all the "woke this" and "woke that" then watch you get triggered by some random's wife on an Internet forum... I'm sure you'd make a great teacher :cry:

Correction - some random nobody's nobody wife got triggered by the neet.

Also like most people in the UK are currently neets, still unemployed because of that virus I hear. I guess its fine for them but not for me.

'Getting an education will get you a job' - AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Nope, not for me or most people with all the useless qualifications they throw out at every and any body that simply wants one.

I couldn't even study I.T when I was at school (the school didn't run any I.T / computing courses), and I still don't have any I.T experience, and nope, I can't get it without paying several thousands of £££ for another useless BS course that likely still wont count as enough I.T experience.

Feel free to tell me all about how my German GCSE is helping me to get a job.
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I'm assuming you don't have a degree, so no, you could not become a teacher as it stands. I'm out of here, the baseless assumptions you are making are too broad to even begin to counter.

Ive literally written a million and one times that ofc I have a degree.

No need to be the first three letters of assuming by doing it needlessly.

I happen to live in the real world as well where not one employer will ever give a crap about your qualifications, mainly because most people with any qualifications are still completely useless at any job.

Every teacher and person that says that an education will improve your chances of getting a job simply have their own heads stuck up their hmmms. You're more likely to get a job by never mentioning your qualifications and never putting more on an application than each job requires.

OP is just a wind-up merchant, go and check his previous form. Why do people even bother responding to him?

So are you and some other 90% of the users on this forum. You love the entertainment I provide, stop trying to deny it.

Feel free to give me a job then.
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