What even is American Grade 1 Maths?

'Use number bonds / addends to make 10s blah blah blah'



The second is easier for any 5 year old once they are taught the method for long addition.

Also I just realized that 'making 10s' is counter intuitive to the second rightmost digit in long sums being called a 10. How is this not going to confuse 5 year old kids if you present them with multiple methods where the same term means different things?
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Wait so I only just realized that US grade 1 is age 6-7, not age 5 as everyone in this thread has been claiming so far.

Are you absolutely ******* me that you think that this is the appropriate level of education that 6-7 year olds should still be at?

We would have been learning long multiplication and division by then!
You misunderstand me. I could not give one **** about teachers, curriculum or indeed the kids - won’t someone please think of the kids.

I’m solely here for more of your mentalist posts. In fairness they aren’t all mental, some actually have a degree of sense and sanity to them. They, however, are few and far between. And anyway, it’s the mental ones that make for the best fun.

Do continue though :D

You realize I am misdiagnosed imo with a personality disorder?

I am currently finally after years of chasing being assessed for Autism.

Slipping in-between sanity and insanity is an hourly struggle for me.
That probably explains a lot about your posts and threads.

might I politely suggest that for your mental well being you step away from the keyboard a bit. You’re only going to receive negative and likely stressful replies given how out there some of your posts are.

Regardless, I sincerely hope you get the correct diagnosis you hope for and relevant treatment.

May I remind you that I love getting negative replies and they turn me on a lot. I'll be thinking about you while I sleep tonight
I disagree. I think it serves a useful purpose as a check.

But the question did not ask to use an estimate!

Even if I saw that question today, I would not know or realize it requires me to use an estimate as this is not stated in the question.

I would simply do a long subtraction as a 'show your working', and that would get marked wrong?

Why? How is a correct answer ever a mistake? If that had actually happened to me at any of my schools, tiger parent asian daddy would have turned up to school the next day and gone ham on the teachers face with his fists.
"Reasonable answer" depends - how accurate do you need to be?

Again these are 5 year olds. Why are they expected to be able to understand a long string of nonsense words any more than being give simple sums and being taught how to do long sums?

This is not a maths thing then is it? Its an English test with numbers?
I'm sort of sat here enjoying the "old man waves at cloud" type thing that is going on as someone can't understand that teaching methods change.

My mum helped at a school for nearly 20 years and she had to relearn how they expected the kids to learn to read compared to how she'd been taught it something like 50 years earlier, and how I'd been taught it 20 years earlier...

I remember getting thoroughly annoyed when I changed school at the new maths teacher wanted me to work through things in a different manner to how I'd learned/been doing it, especially as I could work it out in my head my way, but they wanted me to do it another way and show my workings, which meant it took a couple of extra steps and I'd forget to show part of it at times.

However I can see exactly why there are different methods of teaching something like maths, as some people can "Just handle" the numbers, some need to visualise them and some struggle with that but may be exceptional in another area. One of the kids in one class I was in mentioned something about he worked out maths at times by relating it to music (which he was very good at), but I can't remember any details.

Early on it's probably better to get kids used to handling the numbers and finding a method that works for them, as one of the worst things you can do when teaching is put children off what you're teaching by forcing them to try and use a learning method early on that doesn't work for them.

But the main thing I'm getting from this thread is that the great Tom Lehrer was joking about "new math" back in the 60's, so might well have mocked the way Ballistix was taught it compared to the way he learned it in the 30's and 40's and then taught it in the 50's...

Show me where in any of the pictures posted of these exercises, the kids are being allowed to use multiple methods?

Where is the kid that simply answered 'Yes because 103-28=75' marked as incorrect for not using estimation being allowed to use multiple methods?

Where in all the 'make 10' questions are the kids being allowed to use multiple methods?

This is simply the worst possible method you can use to do mental arithmetic, it takes longer to reach your answer, takes more steps and is harder for most people to understand than simply being given a sheet of 20 sums to do daily and being taught the methods for long arithmetic.

Very very few children are unable to comprehend mental arithmetic and long sums. But because of the very few that can't, every other child needs to also be treated as being incapable 'because they are only 5/6/7???'.
attempts at being clever. :cry:

I am clever. I have a degree and got straight Bs in all my GCSEs and was consistently in the top classes for sciences and maths / class 3/10 for other subjects, which at my school was still 'top band, higher GCSE' standard. I could also immediately play the piano and all scales since first touching a keyboard at age 4 with no prior knowledge or practice, and reached grade 8+ in record time until I broke a wrist.

By what metric are you using to attack my intelligence?

The first thing that anyone writes or says about me in employment focused things when giving me a reference is 'Intelligent, eloquent, very well spoken and dressed at all times'.

Every work focused activity I have tried, I am immediately put right at the top of the list of their most suitable candidates for employment and everyone is flabbergasted that even I can't find a job.
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A desmond isn't a degree fella

Lol GG on boasting about being dressed to your interview.

Its not a brag and I didn't even believe it. I literally told the idiots to stop using 'well dressed and presented' as a plus point to describe me when I was simply wearing £10 Primark trousers and any old shirt. They literally replied with 'your clothes are well pressed and you don't smell' as a plus point when I've never even touched an iron or ironing board and wear stuff right out of the washer dryer.

Full wokery is all anything in this craphole of a country is.

You would be surprised at the state of most people turning up to jobcentre stuff and basic retail interviews.

Apparently all the job crap stuff likewise to how crap the education system is rates a fully unemployable idiot as a 'Highly intelligent 10/10' all the time. You would literally have to turn up and violently attack people to score any lower in this country.
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You got mediocre GCSEs and degree classification so low that toilet paper is better. Talk about high horse :p

But GSCEs are hard according to everyone here. Passing them requires a herculean effort.

Maybe they're put off by your sparkling personality and ability to play well with others?

Marked 100% perfect on all these points as well.

'Most polite and well presented person that ever walked into our door, every manager immediately liked him right away, perfect customer service, always smiling and walked with and chatted with every customer that needed help, you could see every customer he helped was happy to be helped' - Marks And Spencer told me this.

Customers in their cafe literally responded with 'Wow, at least someone here has a clue' after I finished helping them.
You don't have what you're saying in writing? Anyway, you're not averse to falsified references.


Normally everyone tells me to make up references and work experience to get a job.

Now they are telling me not to?

You are aware that maybe 90% of job applicants make up references and past experiences on their C.V? I haven't done so previously which is most likely why I am still unemployed.

Funny how 3 years at uni doesn't count as I.T experience for any Admin or Reception job throughout the UK, want to explain that one to me?

Also there actually is no legal basis or requirements for references, you do know that right? Job applicants do not actually have to provide any references if they are hired without them being taken prior.
would have thought your big ole brain could have worked that one out for itself......

No actually that's the point.

How is using Word / PowerPoint / Excel / Making a website / Music Production not valid I.T experience for working as a receptionist?

Using ebay? Uploading to youtube? Heck using social media and forums daily?

One time I wrote a full game XML remod for Civ IV, reworking every civilization, unit and building for fun. How isn't this valid I.T experience?
And I'm sure you can work out the relevance of my reply to your post.

I actually have the full printed / physical reference from M&S about me. In fact it says nothing negative other than the work having been too physical and fast paced for me which is the exact reason why they couldn't keep me on. So whether you believe it or not, I can answer 'what did your previous employers think about you' however I want.

They also hired me directly after 2 weeks unpaid disability course, as a previous employer told me 'You must have made a really good first impression to be hired right away after 2 weeks unpaid', and yes that's exactly what happened.

So thats a valid point - All I need to add to how 100% perfect I was at M&S other than the physical side was the fact that I was immediately hired after a 2 week unpaid course.
No one makes up references. How would you even do that? Do you put quotes on your CV?

There is no legal requirement for references. But there is plenty corporate requirement. If you don't at least acknowledge that references can be given on request, you're unlikely to get far unless it's selling the big issue.

What you maybe misinterpret is that there is less requirement for character references. Big companies will often settle at their HR department confirming your term of employment with your previous company's HR dept.

I literally have all of that, I already said I literally have my M&S reference - I told them to release the reference and everything they have on my as a freedom of information request thing.

And the character reference crap is the point. Yes too many employers want those now. I cannot prove what previous employers and employment crap said about me, but likewise you and anyone else cannot disprove what I said.

'I was hired after 2 weeks unpaid' is all I need to lead or end with to confirm anything I say. If anything about my personality is at fault at the new job you do realise they cpuld simply fire me then?

In fact out of the hundreds of people I have worked with before, nobody has a personality flaw. All these people can then go home and sign into natsees.com or whatever and endlessly spam about killing minorities, and nobody IRL would ever know.

On that note nothing about me is traceable online. This is exactly why I will not post my name or face anywhere online anymore. I no longer use any social media that requires my real life info and pics.

In fact you can be the most perfect employee for a job. You can have all the skills, experience, credentials, education, references and be 10 times better than any other applicant.

At the same time you might also have a forum account on OCUK under 'BalistoxOnZ490', and as soon as the employer sees your comments on there you get sacked (i.e. people being sacked over single personal messages on their twitter or facecrap accounts).

Personality is the single worst measure for assessing people for a job because heres a shocker - PEOPLE CAN AND WILL BEHAVE AND ACT PERFECTLY FOR MONEY! Gee imagine that!
no need to be sorry. i appreciate and understand it's hard to keep tabs on multiple fantasies.

'Thank you for attending your interview with the College for the role of Receptionist.

Carrie and myself had a very difficult decision to make after the completion of the interviews on Monday.

Unfortunately you were unsuccessful this time and this was due to the sheer strength on the competition. You came across as very approachable and well presented at your interview. We also felt that you had some good customer service experience which showed in your answers, however lacked reception experience which unfortunately the successful candidate had.'

Carrie (name changed) was the person who commented in the interview 'You must have made a really good first impression that if they hired you right away after 2 weeks unpaid'.
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