What film did you watch last night?

The Land Before Time - The 80’s dinosaur cartoon. Put this on for a light watch and holy **** this was horrendously sad!! Pass the tissues! There really is a strange amount of death in some children’s 80’s films. I particularly ‘enjoy’ how doing the whole Mufasa thing wasn’t enough, they then have to double-down on the sadness with that ‘shadow scene’. Jeez!

Actually a very good film with a very pleasing run time of ~70 minutes. Not something I’d just shove a child in front of unsupervised though. I had seen it before, but I must have repressed my memories of how brutal it is!


After reading this we stuck it on this afternoon. I've not seen it in at least 25 years! It's a beautiful film, gets you right in the feels though. 10 minutes in and there was already a death and the missus was nearly in tears. Apparently they had to cut 10 minutes of footage out of it because it was too dark!! I've now got the urge to watch some other terrifying films from my childhood. :D
Dangerous lies on Netflix...what an absolute pile of rubbish 4/10 and that’s me being generous.
Started off great but somehow in the middle it just lost its way. Pretty much a mess of a movie from the middle onwards.
Memories of murder 7.5/10
Korean murder mystery crime story. Really good film this. Good performances all round, good story, keeps you watching all the way through. Highly recommended.
Valerian and the City of 1000 Planets - 7/10

No worse than your average Marvel film

Firstly, I'm a suck for Sci-Fi, so people who aren't genre fans might well score it lower. Visuals were like a computer game the whole way through. Lots of overlaid HUDs and holograms and stuff. For me that was perfectly fine.

The film dials up the camp at the beginning but starts taking itself more seriously pretty quickly. Oddly, there was an entire act which seemed to be wholly unnecessary. You could have cut this entire section/act and not missed anything pertaining to the main story. It was like they just decided to put the main plot on hold and go for a joy ride for a full 15 mins :p

The actual plot itself was fairly formulaic. It's something we've all seen time and time again, in one form or another.

But again, lots of that could be applied to any Marvel film, and I've managed to enjoy most of those.

7/10 as it kept me entertained, the characters were affable enough, and I was never bored.

I really hated this film. The main characters are just awful, zero chemistry between them. Story was just pure guff too. Flashy visuals are all this has going for it in my opinion. Watch the fifth element instead.
Avatar, not seen before, oh god there is still 30 minutes left...... :(

That's a movie I've seen two or three times,and one of those times was to watch it on my new 3D TV at the time. I don't think it's aged particularly well, it's one of those films I definitely couldn't go back to now. I should probably remove it from my library as its taking up space which I'll never use again.
That's a movie I've seen two or three times,and one of those times was to watch it on my new 3D TV at the time. I don't think it's aged particularly well, it's one of those films I definitely couldn't go back to now. I should probably remove it from my library as its taking up space which I'll never use again.

It's just so cold, humourless and silly.....even for a fantasy film. :p

Expect its a decent spectacle in 3D! :)
It's just so cold, humourless and silly.....even for a fantasy film. :p

Expect its a decent spectacle in 3D! :)

It's a weird one. Very long too!

I remember it was quite good in 3D. I never ended up watching much in 3D though, but Gravity was very cool. Id like to see gravity in VR as the 3D is way better in VR!
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Hmm not sure what to make of this. It was super cool at times and then felt a bit empty and indulgent when the title came up at the end. The final section was fun but wasn’t tied with the rest of the film so almost felt like it’s own side story.

Just like the Irishman, good to watch but I’m probably not in a rush to rewatch....

I remember it was quite good in 3D. I never ended up watching much in 3D though, but Gravity was very cool. Id like to see gravity in VR as the 3D is way better in VR!
This is how I enjoy both Avatar and Gravity. Dredd too.
Avatar may be predictable and unoriginal, but it is an audio/visual feast - especially in 3D.
Birds of Prey

Complete middle of the road nonsense. Just the most boring, banal thing I've watched for quite some time. There's just nothing to it at all. Feels like it's been made by a comity of executives who needed to do something with the IP to justify owning. Please, let it be forgotten.
The Gentleman. Nice return to form for Guy Ritchie. Total hoot. Excellent performance by Hugh Grant.

A real roller coaster of a movie. Brilliant. Loved it!

Rise of the Skywalker

Rather average. Just scene after scene of awkwardly acted fan service.

Ridley is an awful actress and Bojega is decidedly average. At least Driver and Isaac are good actors (but even they were limited by the pretty poor script).

Cartoon villains.

Music was too quiet through most of it (the reverse of my complaint with the mixing of most flims).


Glad i paid no money to see it (just watched i on a Disney Plus trial week).
Under Siege - 8/10 - Ah 1992 Steven Segal was an absolute legend :D What was effectively intended as a high budget "B" grade action movie (it's a Segal film after all) was made into a far better one with great casting, great script with "bad-guy banter" so realistic between Busey, Tommy Lee & Colm Meaney that some of it must have been improvised. It also has a tight story which keeps the pace moving and actually semi-believable characters who do common sense things (good and bad) for logical reasons rather than just to advance the plot regardless of reality.

Also, as a military buff I knows there's heaps technically wrong with the film (oh sweet baby Jesus so much is wrong) but it's just so entertaining that those "little" issues really don't bother me.
Under Siege - 8/10 - Ah 1992 Steven Segal was an absolute legend :D What was effectively intended as a high budget "B" grade action movie (it's a Segal film after all) was made into a far better one with great casting, great script with "bad-guy banter" so realistic between Busey, Tommy Lee & Colm Meaney that some of it must have been improvised. It also has a tight story which keeps the pace moving and actually semi-believable characters who do common sense things (good and bad) for logical reasons rather than just to advance the plot regardless of reality.

Also, as a military buff I knows there's heaps technically wrong with the film (oh sweet baby Jesus so much is wrong) but it's just so entertaining that those "little" issues really don't bother me.

Not even going to mention one of the greatest scenes of topless nudity to ever grace my teenage years?
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