what frightens you most?

failure to achieve my goals.

very modest goals i admit but done through sheer determination and grit after i had a big accident. they all relate to that and were:

buy a house before i was 30 - done.
race a motorbike again - have a race license now so it WILL happen (this year i hope!)!
if i have a kid, play with it like a father should. i.e. playing with it and being able to lift them up and play with them by chucking them around if they want to etc - a very personal goal driven by the fact i can't fully move my arm any more and it's weakened.

goals set 2 years ago and i'm halfway there. :)

still, they are absolutely nothing compared to what some people are forced to go through and i admire their determination somewhat more than mine as it's mental strength which counts. :(

at the moment.. well really im in such a messed up situation that i don't want college to finish as i will be lost and unsure what to do.. if i don't find job in a month im out of the house and country so really that probably does frighten me the most :O

other than that.. a lot of things.. but i wouldn't say they frighten me a lot.. just a little "worry" inside... well im sort of scared of height.. but not really that much really can't think of anything else at the moment :O
Thank you, I shall.

Personally, the prospect of pain scares me more than dying. Dying is losing awareness, which happens to me every night around 11pm (and sometimes when I'm having a hard poo)

lol :D

Spiders here, not quite as bad as I used to be. Strange thing is I like watching youtube videos on them. :confused: Maybe a sort of self therapy.
I hate sharp knives. If I see someone with one, even if they are making a sandwich I need them to put it down or else I just walk out of the room. I would not make a good chef.
My biggest phobia is falling down the side of a big ship. I have no idea why but the idea of being in the water next to the rusty hull of a big ship scares the bejeezus out of me.
Im sure someone else has said it but getting shot, ive had dreams of being shot and it feeling like someones punching you with a sledgehammer, then feeling like the wound is on fire then waking up!
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