What game have you played the most?

About 500 hours into Battlefield 4 for online, but probably 750+ into the Bethesda games (Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout, NV etc).
Soldier of Fortune 2 multiplayer.

I played that game solid every night and most of the weekend for about two years.

Battlefield 2 would be next, then maybe iRacing.
Besides the obvious MMRPGs (Final Fantasy XI back in the day and A Realm Reborn recently) I have to say Dark Souls II, Borderlands II, GTA V and The Witcher 3, all of those over 100h.

GTAV online and TW3 will probably be played for a few more years :P
TF2 for me still... haven't reached 1,000 hours yet but getting there. Don't play it as much as I used to though; the ever increasing shift to focusing on gimmicky weapons, microtransactions, gated-content, cosmetic items etc. has been slowly getting more silly and is starting to detract from the experience
Half Life 2 Deathmatch back in the day. Totally uncountable hours on that but sadly no matter how many games I get or like to play I can't get involved enough anymore. Play various games now but couple hours a week if that. Sad really but life gets in the way
GTA IV will be the most- it's highest on my steam and that doesn't include Xbox time and retail DVD time either!

Followed by Kerbal Space Program, skyrim and Mafia II for some reason.
Championship manager in its various iterations, including one or two after it morphed into Football Manager. Not played for more than 5 years though.

Next would probably be Grand Prix Racing Online - think I amassed almost 3,000 hours on there, though a large proportion of that would have been using the game's forum.

Then GTA III and Vice City.
Toss up between WoW vanilla, Counter-Strike (up to 1.3) or RtCW:ET.

Not sure I could say which sucked in the most time. All a good while ago now, of course. Grown-up responsibilities mean I now check how long games are before starting them, schedule them carefully into my available time, and generally play through only once. No more online gaming for me!
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