What game have you played the most?

Have no idea.

Lost track of the hours put into Quake 2 but just playing DM and 1v1 on the edge accounts for around 4000 hours alone (that is just one map).

Quake 3 - I was playing atleast 5 hours a night for about 4 years while playing it competitively - including more casually playing it after that and a bit of quake live that is over 10K hours.

Deus Ex is about the only single player game that has pulled more than about 100 hours or so - over the years clocked up more than 7 play throughs.

Eve online IIRC I calculated the other day was over 13K hours but doesn't really count as probably about 2/3rds of that aren't really playing it actively but having it running alt-tabbed waiting on stuff to happen.

Put quite a lot of hours into COD4 and MW2 also - I know COD4 alone exceeds 4000 hours.

The only thing I'm playing at the moment is BF4 on and off which according to Origin I've put 666 hours into.
Must have put about 600+ hours into Morrowind, 1150+ into Call of Duty 4, 300+ hours into Oblivion, 250 hours in Skyrim.

My must dreaded one... 3000 into Runescape. :D
Counter Strike series, source specifically. I love the simplicity and precise nature of the "base" game, but the modding scene is where the game came into its own for me. Countless hours spent on trying to perfect speedy runs on surf maps, dealing with almost unbearable levels of ping just trying to play on a US jailbreak server (awesome community compared to the UK scene at the time so it was worth it), endless amounts of custom games, and basically everything else (deathrun, mini games, etc.)

And no, I haven't played "properly" in ages. I booted it up some time ago just to check things out, and it was somewhat sad to see how everything had moved on. Servers, dead. Players, either "dead" or move onto something else (well, like I did.)
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World of Warcraft, by a long shot. I played 6months after release right the way through to the end of Cataclysm, briefly through MOP and a couple of months through WOD.

I played it every day pretty much, other than holidays away and would play for all hours whilst at Uni.

Not the same as if was for me so don't play it now.

After this it would be more a series than one specific game.

Neverwinter Nights
Guild Wars
BF series
Mine was probably WoW. I don't track these stats anymore since I don't use xfire (like who even remembers this?). I did have about 1000 hours played for WoW in my first year started playing.
Probaly bf2, joint operations or oblivion but these are non steam so can't tell the playtime.

Going just by steam, it's Skyrim followed by the Hunter and 7 days to die. Hours well spent :D
World of Warcraft and Counterstrike (in all forms)

No idea how much they've taken up.

Oh and guilty pleasures - Pokémon in all it's forms has taken up a mad amount of time!
28,783 hours on my main RuneScape account, probably 30,000 ish in total.

Don't play anymore :eek:

For non-MMOs it's probably GTA:V, 600 hours ish.
The original EverQuest. I pretty much played the hell out of that game. I still love it but I can't dedicate the time needed to it any more.
Age of Empires in all its forms, particularly Age of Kings.

Total War series, particularly the first Shogun and the first Medieval (the most out of all of them).

Gary Grigsby's War in the East.

Skyrim - almost spent as much time modding as playing (ie making my own mods).

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