What game have you played the most?

1212 hours invested in BF3. And even though the folks who I played with now mostly hate each other, I won't deny it was some of the most fun I ever had playing video games.

BF4 killed us.
Been playing Halo PC and Halo CE for the best part of 9-10 years now, so I'd guess I've racked up over 10k-20k hours in it. Pretty sad now I say it out aloud
The "Elite" series of games. Lost so much of my youth to playing Elite and Frontier. I'm now doing it all again with Elite : Dangerous.
Eq1 and 11 or 12 expansions over 300 days ( 7500 hours or more) over I think around 7 years and i stop 6 years ago, only really went back once or twice or a very short time.
I must have ploughed close to 2000 hours into SWG back in the day. I could have learned a language or become an expert dry stone waller, in less time
Probably Pro Evolution Soccer, from when it first came to PC (PES 3) to the last truly great one (PES 6). Many, many hours of Master League action.
I must have ploughed close to 2000 hours into SWG back in the day. I could have learned a language or become an expert dry stone waller, in less time

It is a sobering way to look at it - given the games I've put 10,000+ hours into I could have become an expert in many things lol.
Been playing Counter-Strike since Beta 5.2 which was January 2000 :D

Latest game I've sunk a lot of time in the last few years has been Dota2 & ARMA3 (Sa-Matra Wasteland & Co-op)
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