What game have you played the most?

Hmmm... over the years It's probably IL2 Sturmovik with the most hours, though I think Destiny and Elite Dangerous are in serious contention for catching up to it.
Forgot about the MMO's....

City of Villains - my first MMO and WTF moment of seeing a game with a subscription fee to it, loved the character creation tool.


Happy memories
Forgot about the MMO's....

City of Villains - my first MMO and WTF moment of seeing a game with a subscription fee to it, loved the character creation tool.


Happy memories

Oh yeah forgot CoH/CoV - I have no idea how many hours I sunk into that but I ran through the frostfire arc like 200 odd times alone :S (helping out people in SG, etc.).

The way they handled closing that game down annoyed me especially as a few people from the publisher basically said it was to push people onto their newer games - will never touch an ncsoft game again.
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Deus EX (1st One) probably played in through about ten times
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl played it through load of times with and without mods
Dota 2 - 2369 hours

Football Manager 2011 - 1264 hours

Final Fantasy XIV - 843 hours.

Thats only on Steam though. I imagine my hours on Runescape/WoW are close if not higher.
Mine is Legend of Grimrock at 315.5 hours. However the vast majority of that time was spent on learning how to mod it and design levels and contents to create my own dungeon. Unusually for me I then sort of lost interest in this when I was probably about 90% of the way to getting it finished :rolleyes:

Probably should have started small and not tried to create something epic :D
Gotta be a MMO just not sure which one, its between DAOC, EQ2, Rift or ESO.

All other games I pretty much just play through the story once then shelve.
It's terrifying the number of days, weeks and months worth of play I've spent on various games.

Probably Counter-Strike, various versions. Must be in the thousands of hours.
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