What game really had an impression on you?

Emerging from the Vault in Fallout 3 and taking in the sights (as brown and grey as they were) was the first time I had ever really thought about how open a game could be.

If I had to pick one moment in any video game I have ever played, that would be it. I think I sat there for a good 5 mins just thinking wtf to do after emerging and just looking over the desolate landscape. Amazing
Not in any order, but these games come to mind:

Final Fantasy 7
Resident Evil 2
Deus Ex
Age of Empires 3

There are more but those came to mind first.
Any shouts for Dark Souls yet? When that game finally clicked with me... that was a special moment. That's definitely up there mechanically as one of the greats for me.

Journey was a game changer just in general. Very rare for a game to actually change your perspective on something in real world terms.

The original Bioshock convinced me that games could do story telling in a way that films couldn't.

Tbh, you could ask me tomorrow and I'd probably have a different answer xD
Of all time, I'd have to say Fallout 3. The music and atmosphere of that game really got to me. Of late, Horizon 3 had a fantastic intro. Took me right back to summer vibes, and the excellent driving experience from the Forza series really goes well with the street racing style. Potentially the best racing game to date. Only time can tell :)
Everybody's gone to the Rapture

I am genuinely surprised this one has not been mentioned and I would highly recommend playing it. Its a very strange type of game, more of a walk simulator, but the music, graphics, story, emotion. Even a week after finishing it now, its still fresh in my mind and tend to think on it.
Soundtrack is stunning as well, its on spotify as well!

And for those puzzle solvers out there, there are so many hidden meanings and as yet I believe unsolved codes.
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