What game really had an impression on you?

Star wars Galaxies playing as a Bounty Hunter hunting player Jedi.

The first time I did it, one I had the skill in the BH tree to access the terminals and along with my TKA skills, I had a plan of action for my first pvp fight against a Jedi. I tracked him down on Dantooine and as I engaged my mind went blank as to what I wanted to do. After just bashing keys for a few mins he was incapped so I did the death blow. We chatted after and he said he had just unlocked Jedi and I was his first BH and when I attacked he also had forgotten his plan of action and mashed buttons.

Another BH incident. At this time I was a seasoned BH and had tracked a Jedi to Dantooine and when I landed at an outpost, can't remember which one, I was about to launch a probe when I noticed a crowd watching a duel, was that what they were called?, so I walked over and noticed my target dueling one of his PA mates. I stood in the crowd and eventually his mate incapped him so I quickly opened the reticule and did the death blow and sauntered away. Once their confusion had cleared, and the Jedi checked his logs, he messaged me hurling all sorts of abuse. Suffice to say I laughed at him and carried on my way. A few seconds later I got the best hate tell I ever had in an mmo when a PA mate of his, who I assumed was young, messaged me saying 'you're a poo head'. I always remember that message with fondness.
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COD 4 ending and a certain Soapy moment in MW3... even though some of the magic from the original had been lost for me by then, I couldn't help it when that happened.
Halo 2 MP, loved Halo 1 but Halo 2 was my first foray into online multiplayer. I was late to the party and it was a proper baptism of fire, must have been quite an impression though as I remember it was my 234th game of Lone Wolves that was my first win. Set me up nicely for Halo 3 though, trounced my friends on that :D

More recently, Subnautica, beautiful setting, great intro and the sense of fear out exposed in the deep waters with odd noises shaking you every now and then. Brilliant interpretation of a survival game IMHO. Leaving it alone now till it's finished though.
Mainly MMO games for me as they stick in my mind the strongest, probably due to them being so new at the time and being able to play with people all over the world - a real game changer.

Ultima Online - First MMO for me and such a wonderful world - painful at times back in the day on a 56k modem, but I still recall doing the Minoc to Brit road and getting my first horse - which would usually die 10 minutes later due to lag deaths. :) The Housing system and community in this game was great.

Dark Age of Camelot - Amazing mass PvP battles and good atmosphere (realm pride) and many good times with guild mates. (come on Camelot unchained!)

World of Warcraft - Vanilla and Burning crusade times; really felt like a massive and wonderful world to explore. Our small guild used to have a lot of fun doing the instances and open world pvp.

Secret of Mana (SNES) - one of my first rpg's and one I'll always remember fondly due to the great music, bright graphics and fun journey. Asked my Dad to buy it for me when I was a young kid while we were out shopping - nearly dropped dead when he agreed. :)

Final Fantasy 7 (SNES) - Pretty common one, but not surprising considering the presentation and production values - the music really drew me in and it takes you on such an epic journey that, at the time, it was incredible.

Need to play my steam list of shame some more to add some more recent titles to this list - some good recommendations in this thread though. :)
Mass Effect 1, had a huge effect mentally on me, massive. One of the best games I'd ever played and still is. The story, lore, how you get attached to characters and what you are fighting for, the ending made me well up like nothing else, after you make you're decision on the fate of the council, and you get the feeling after the 100+ hours you've just invested in the game, you didn't make it, the music was so emotive...one of the best moments in my gaming life. Then you realise the story is not over, far from over in fact.

Eve Online - Just an incredible experience, one that IMO has never been achieved in another game. You become so attached to your character, its almost like an alternative universe and how important it is to survive in the universe. Think I played it non stop for about 6 years, had to stop in the end due to growing up, but man what a game.

WOW - Truly ground breaking, the first real MMORPG I'd ever played, and still today the best. What a world, so much to do, incredible progression and made so many incredible friends online.
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So many to choose from but I'll list a few from both PC and console. As a kid I was well into RPG/point 'n' click games, any actually. I was obsessed with them:

Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Secret of Mana (SNES)
Illusion of Gaia (SNES)
Breath of Fire (SNES)
Final Fantasy(s) (SNES)

Broken Swords (PS/PC)
Discworld (PS)

And many more...

Then games like:

Mario Kart (SNES) - The game was just perfect in my eyes, I would compete with friends and family trying to master every track. Time Trial/Battleground was amazing!

Street Racer (SNES) - Same as above, played this to death mastering it.

Donkey Kong Country (SNES) - This game was amazing, set a new bar for graphics it did.

Mario 64 (N64) - This game alone made me save for two years wanting the console on release, which I achieved, such fond memories.

Eventually getting into PC gaming:

Quake 2 - Played this both for fun and competitively, loved all mods duel/CTF grapple ;) / TDM/Rocket Arena. Mainly played duel though which was more my thing, both on Wireplay and Barrysworld.

Q3A - As above not not so hardcore for me, but it certainly stuck out for me (downloading the test demo 44mb 2hours~ :p )

WoW - Epic game, my first and hopefully last MMORPG. Played to death both Vanilla and BC. TM/SS battles, servers dyiing not being able to cope with soo much data in one area at one time lol. So many memories from the game.

Doom 1/2
Quake 1

Both the above were the games that made me by a PC.

Anyone remember POD? Around late 90's, fantastic racer with epic soundtrack :)

Manic Miner/Jet Set Willy on Spectrum was awesome too.

Soo many really but those stick out.
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Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Not sure why, I just feel in love it it and it's still the only game I've returned to a few times. I guess I enjoyed it because it was a just a typical FPS shooter that felt like a game. Today's games are great but they feel a little too lifelike..


Sometime I think why the heck do I love these games so much but I just do.. I enjoy the fact that I can just explore around or have a blast.. what ever I feel like.

Alien Isolation
Wow, I remembering reading that this is what Alien fans were waiting for.. They were right. I can still feel my hands trembling after a few years since I completed it. it's rendered atmosphere felt like you were there..
Thief : Deadly Shadows (2004)..the Shalebridge Cradle missions.

It's hard to articulate the sense of abject fear I felt when I first played this. Ghostly whispers, children crying softly, insane screams and that demonic banging coming from upstairs - and this is all before I had actually met any of the inmates. Even after all this time I still get nervous and cold just thinking about any of it.

So, so well done, but my god it was a complete pant filler from start to finish.

The 2nd part of that mission was brilliantly crafted, those zombie inmates were very scary. However The Shalebridge Cradle wasn't even the scariest level in the Thief franchise IMO, that accolade goes to the The Haunted Cathedral from the original game.

I enjoyed Half Life 1 but for me last part of the game let it down, Half Life 2 on the other hand really did impress me from the characters, pacing and physics engine they employed there wasn't one weak point, I've played it time and time again and it never gets boring.

Carmageddon deservers a mention for it's shear brutality (fun to play as well). I must try the remake at some point.

Cannon Fodder - The sound track.......if you a pacifist just don't listen to it.
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Grand Prix Legends for me.

There's was something beautifully poetic about a really good hot lap or race on that game, something no other racing simulator has had before or since.

No atmospheric music or pandering, it was just you versus the track and other racers and the initial difficulty made it all the more rewarding when you conquered it.

I raced that thing online for nearly a decade and still nothing comes close.

The complete opposite was Banished. It was like any other city/community builder but with the added romance of micromanaging the rearing of a community. It too felt beautiful, but for very different reasons to Grand Prix Legends. The simple music, the feel of it - somehow it just worked.
Ghostbusters (C64). Got to be one of the best movie games of all time. Was brilliant. Still play it a little from time to time.

Super Metroid (SNES). Loved a few of my SNES games, but this had to have been the best of the lot. Just a superb platform adventure. Amazing visuals, bosses, atmosphere. I've not had time to really go back to it, but will do some day.

Final Fantasy VII (PS1). This was an incredible experience, coming from Zelda on the SNES and GB as my only previous RPGs. The story blew me away, as did the world and characters. I'd also never played a JRPG-style turn-based combat before, and loved that too. Amazing.

Championship Manager 3 (PC). Loved CM2 (97/98) but iterations of CM3 were where I had my most epic careers - can still remember some of the highs and lows. Put so much time into it that my only regret is that I neglected other games during those years. Did move onto CM4 and then FM (until about 08), and enjoyed them, but never had the magic of CM3.

Goldeneye (N64). 4-player during Uni. Licence to Kill, no-one's Oddjob. Go.

Dead Rising (X360). Just blew me away from the very beginning. Having only really played Champ Manager for a few years, it was amazing to see where proper games had gotten to.

Limbo (PC). Stopped playing games entirely for a couple of years after my son was born in 2010. Returned saddled with an ancient old PC which couldn't handle AAA games so tried some Indies. Limbo isn't my favourite Indie of the last few years (although it is great), but it is the one I was most impressed by. Absolutely incredible atmosphere and lovely puzzles (at least for the first 3/4rs - gets a little 'gamey' toward the end).
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If we are talking about any game here? I'll pick one from a few gens as i couldn't get them all down :D.

Super mario world (SNES)

Awesome story! I think its probably one of the first games I ever played. Holds a place dearly in my heart. The hours we would spend at night on holidays competing with my brother/sisters and parents. It brings back many awesome memories.

Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)
My first ever RPG game. Such a great game in my opinion. Great story, some of the best PS2 visuals with over 100hr's+ of content on the story alone. Challenging game too, took some serious doing to defeat the many bosses. Great Orchestral soundtrack as well.

Conkers bad fur day (N64)
Fantastic game with an amazing, hilarious story. Never played a game like it since. Probably the first game I ever played with multi-player shoot em up capabilities. Its a shame its so damn rare now!

Bioshock infinite

Probably one of the best stories i've ever experienced. Still leaves me chills every time I complete it. Seriously under rated in my opinion and is a must play by anyone. like OP stated the scene at columbia is just so tranquil. Its hard not to get lost in the game. Probably the only game where i felt an emotional connection by the ending. Left me with a tear in my eye for sure.

Many many other games like
Gotcha force (Gamecube)
Harvest moon (Gamecube)
Windwaker (Gamecube)
Super mario sunshine (Gamecube)
ocarina of time/majoras mask (N64)
Starfox (N64)
Banjo Tooie/kazooie (N64)
Crash bandicoot series (PS1/2)
Timesplitters series(PS2)
Spyro series (PS1/2)

I could go on for another few pages lol
Brothers: A tale of Two Sons.

I played it in one sitting, and I was genuinely staggered at the ending.
SHENMUE..probably one of the best games ive ever played

ZELDA OCARINA OF TIME...was amazing and so ahead of its time

FINAL FANTASY 7...best ff game imo

GRAN TURISMO... looked and played amazing on ps1

DONKEY KONG COUNTRY...prob one of my favourite snes games
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