What game really had an impression on you?

Hired Guns: So many memories of playing 2 player split screen with my brother.

Syndicate: The graphics were incredible at the time, and nothing comes close to walking around with the persuadertron. Syndicate Wars didn't hold a candle to it, and the recent FPS is just a slap in the face. :(

XCOM: UFO Defense: The original is still the best by a country mile. I have played this every year since release, and it never ever gets boring. Doing a terror mission on the hardest difficulty and watching your squad get destroyed by Chryssalids still brings me out in a cold sweat, and leveling a site with blaster bombs makes me feel like a man!

CIVIII: The first of the series to totally take me in. Nothing bad to say about it.
Difficult to choose one on PC. So I'll have a cheat and choose multiple games for different types of impression:

Doom 2 - really opened my eyes as to what a PC could do, and introduced me to many concepts that still hold validity today such as multiplayer FPS, custom maps, mods etc. Quake had a far bigger impact on my life, but the actual impression originated with Doom 2.

Deus Ex - shaped my thinking about how effective hybrid genres could be, about how with good design you can have a story-driven game without channelling the player down very specific paths (i.e. giving at least the illusion of open-endedness).

Serious Sam - simply for the fabulous engine that could cater for massive environments with many dozens of monsters at once. I was somewhat in awe.

Championship Manager - just seemed really well executed, the type of game I'd wanted for some time but had always been left disappointed by other management sims

Forsaken - probably seems a strange choice but the graphics were SERIOUSLY good at the time, it was basically the game that I could fire up on my 3dfx card and have console gamers jaw drop. If someone asked me to pick the most beautiful game relative to the time of release, this would probably be number one (in hindsight, it is perhaps a bit too 'bling', but that's what it was like in the early days of 3d acceleration, they just chucked on as much lens flare etc as they could!).

edit: interestingly the 5 games I've chosen are all at least 15 years old.
Half-life ~ I didn’t even play games, I was just installing it for my brother and fiddling around with the OpenGL settings to get it working for him, then Black Mesa Inbound – the sights, the sounds, the atmosphere, I didn’t know games could be like that. How long have I been down this rabbit-hole?

We’ve Got Hostiles
Surface Tension
Forget About Freeman
Lambda Core

What a masterpiece. I even liked the Xen levels that everyone says you’re not allowed like, it truly felt other-worldly. Best game ever.
I really need to finish it, I'm probably fairly close to the end (although Steam says I've played 7 hours on it so I think it's longer than a couple of hours :p)
Unreal Tournament.

I must have been about 10 when my uncle installed it on my computer. I think in hindsight I wish I never played it as that game took over my life for a good 6 years.

I can still remember the music for the intro 'In 2291, in an attempt to control violence among deep space miners......"

I spent most of my years playing either DM on Deck-16 and Morpheus or CTF with Instagib rifles on maps like Facing Words, Lava Giant, Hall of the Giants.

Oh how I would love flipping around the maps and shooting people. They were the days.

M-M-M-M-Monster Kill!... "I just slaughtered that guy!"
I really need to finish it, I'm probably fairly close to the end (although Steam says I've played 7 hours on it so I think it's longer than a couple of hours :p)

It's a 4 hour game really.

I'm in the minority in that I didn't go wild for it. It was a good game, no mistake, but not a great one - and I completely failed to get the emotional hit most seem to. Just passed me by. I sort of feel I should replay it to figure out why it didn't resonate.
Shenmue Was like nothing I'd ever experienced before, really did feel like a huge step forward for games when I played it.

World of Warcraft for the sheer amount of time I put into it, my first MMO, playing a game and actually meeting and getting to know people.

Spec Ops: The Line I like third person shooters, so I got this one without knowing too much about it, after a little while I slowly realised this wasn't like others it really made me think about the story it was trying to tell, really heavy.

WCW/NWO Revenge (and Wrestlemania 2k, WWF No Mercy) The N64 had some fantastic games but these were so good, I spent/wasted so much time on these.
Oh crap! Dark Souls 1!!!

Nothing has quite had me hooked and speechless after unlocking shortcuts and realising it's all connected!

It's a thing of beauty really!

The Secret of Mana (SNES) - Aside from being a fantastic game, the music was epic and the ending made me feel oh so very sad. When a game hits you in the feels.

Ultima Onlline (PC) - Not my favourite MMORPG but it was the one that started it for me. I was fortunate enough to be a great guild (Deepwater Guards) on the Europa server, and this alongside ICQ (anyone remember that?) it really made me appreciate what the internet was going to do to my gaming experience.

Rebel Assault (PC) - Not a great game, but it was THE game that made me purchase a PC. FMV etc.....loved it.

Streetfighter 2 (Arcade and SNES) - A little known claim to fame but when I was younger I entered the national C&VG SF2 national tournament and got to the final (lost though :(. I still believe my mum has my 'world warrior' belt at home somewhere. I was really young when I learnt to play this and because I was damn good at it I used to enjoy going down to my local arcade and putting my 20p into the machine and taking on all comers, who used to take an ego hit when they were getting beaten by a kid half their age.
Doom -so atmospheric, creepy and evil

Riven -weird, just weird. I'm on this world, no idea how it all works, no idea what I'm supposed to be doing...sucked me in...

Silent Hill -creepy & downright eerie

UT - consumed my life for years (instagib DM)

Severance: Blade of Darkness -some levels were truly beautiful. Hard as hell too. Could chop enemies limbs off and hit 'em with the soggy end.

Dark Messiah Might & Magic - stumbling though some catacombs hearing goblins talking amongst themselves about the funniest things, kicking enemies onto spikes or off impossibly high precipices. Spiders, ugh.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - creepy & sometimes downright terrifying

Kingpin: Life of Crime -gritty, unpleasant, Cyprus Hill :D

System Shock 2 -extremely atmospheric. An all time classic.
Quake 1 - the game that really got me into pc gaming and first person shooters.
Half-Life 1 - the perfect action fps - was a huge leap over other fps games in story and action at the time.
Deus Ex 1 - best use of fps and rpg elements I had ever seen. Excellent story and world that sucked me right in.

Unreal Tournament 99 - my first mp game that I got hooked with - I never could quite get into Quake mp.

Thief 1 & 2 - excellent games that for me started the stealth genre of fps games to come.
System Shock 2 - excellent scifi/rpg with stealth elements.
Hidden & Dangerous - best ww2 squad based game at the time..

Some great mentions there! I'd forgotten about Hidden & Dangerous, what a gem that was!
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.

How to tell a story without any real words, beautifully done, paced and just about the right game length.

Spot on!

Two for me also worth a mention are FFX and the story made me play well past my bedtime and Dreamfall where one of the characters got killed.
Deuteros (strategy and mystery with awesome sounds)
Hero of the Golden Talisman
Pools of Radiance (first ssi usgold RPG)
FF 7
Deus Ex
CM Italia (the best one)
Syndicate (nothing like it at the time)
Sensible Soccer
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
Times of Lore
Ultima VII
Demon Souls
Planescape Torment
One game moment that stuck in my head for a long time and confirmed to me how great the game series was, is the drug trip flying scene in GTA5. First time I actually started to feel for a video game character (Michael) ever. The whole thing, visuals, audio, music was absolutely perfect and an iconic moment in gaming.
The Assassins Creed Ezio trilogy. At the end of revelations I remember just sitting there for a while wondering what was next.

Bioshock infinite ending was brilliant.

CS Source was a game changer for me. Used to play the 20 vs 20 games for a while and was brilliant. Still play online with some guys from those days over ten years ago.
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