What games surpassed your expectations?

Sonic Transformed.

Kart racing games have never been more than a five minute thing. That game grabbed me after giving it a go on a steam free weekend.
BF3 - bought on a whim as my first fancy graphics PC game cause it was only £20 and I liked CoD. 1260 hours later of amazing video gaming and it has overtaken MW2 as my favourite shooter.

Witcher 3 - I had super high expectations after witcher 2 and all he hype. The main game was amazing but hearts of stone blew me away with the story and the voice acting. Blood and wine was a great ending to the whole saga.

Agreed on BF3, never before and never since have I played a game for so many hours. Not as long as you but I got to 700 hours when BF4 came out.
Agreed on BF3, never before and never since have I played a game for so many hours. Not as long as you but I got to 700 hours when BF4 came out.

I kept playing after the launch of BF4 but you disappeared off the face of battlelog :(

Good to see you've got a solid 1hr 22mins in BF4.
Uncanney Valley,
The Witcher 3 (Loved it initially yet it seem to grow on me even more as I played more).

System Shock 2, let myself judge it on graphics, modded it and enjoyed the hell out of that game.
civ 5- did not expect to lose so much of my life to that game
kerbal space program- one of those games as a kid i wished they'd make, and again lost so much of my life to it, although i've learnt a lot from it too.
dishonoured- honestly enjoyed it much more than the theif remake, even made the oblivion character graphics passable to look at.
The Tomb Raider reboot and Rise of the Tombraider. I didnt really like the original Tomb Raiders so was quite surprised to find that I thoroughly enjoyed the reboots and played them from start to finish.

Also , Alien Isolation. I am so used to movie licence games turning out to be crap that I chuffed when Alien Isolation slamdunked the game with brilliant aesthetics, great sound and lighting and perfectly capturing the atmosphere of the original Alien movie.

And most recently, This War Of Mine. Didnt expect much from it but ended up playing it solidly all weekend. Simple but effective gameplay
Ori and the blind forrest
Elite Dangerous
Brothers - A tale of two sons
Dreamfall Chapters
Life is strange
The Talos principle
Lucky's Tale VR

A few that I had low expectaions of but were very very good.
Hearthstone, generally I am not much for TCG's but this seems to have stuck and remains on my hard drive.. I only got into it again because I was pottering around getting the cross-game goodies (i.e. free mounts for reaching x milestone) quite recently.. for some reason Legion just doesn't have the pull the game used to

I know its wow themed but personally I was a big fan of the original titles (wc2/3) and recognizing all the various characters is a nice touch

In the market for a new tablet so I can enjoy it on my travels.. I don't generally care about spending cash on games but the fact you don't have to spend anything to feel like your progressing is good too

Only nag would be those little rng moments you have no control over but you encounter those in almost any game out there
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Recently for me it has to be Stardew valley. I picked it up when it came out (I loved the harvest moon games when I was younger) and I absolutely fell in love with the game. I really didn't expect it to be as much fun as it is and there is a lot to it. I stopped playing for a while but am now back into it with the recent big update and it's really good fun. Well worth the £10 you can pick it up for now, I've paid a lot more for big games that have let me down.
Mordheim city of the dammed, (turn-based strategy set in the warhammer fantasy setting), I'd never heard of it until seeing a post by one of the guys on this forum & I saw it was cheap in the sale so I gave it a punt & I've really enjoyed it (107 hrs played at this point & still holding my interest), a real gem IMO.
Biggest for me has to be the walking dead series by telltale.

Other than that, there are a good few like total war warhammer, which totally revived the total war series for me, alien isolation blew me away, and even with high expectations the witcher 3 just surpassed them all. I'm sure there are many more but i have a meeting to go to!

Oh, brothers a tale of two sons.
Recently for me it has to be Stardew valley. I picked it up when it came out (I loved the harvest moon games when I was younger) and I absolutely fell in love with the game. I really didn't expect it to be as much fun as it is and there is a lot to it. I stopped playing for a while but am now back into it with the recent big update and it's really good fun. Well worth the £10 you can pick it up for now, I've paid a lot more for big games that have let me down.

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