What games will disappoint you?

I stopped buying games on release a few years ago because they are usually a bit broken, so I’d wait until they were working properly, by which time they are usually cheaper too. I think it works well, plus there are always some good older games that you have missed first time around and some classics worthy of a replay (Portal 2, Bioshock etc.).

This should be a golden rule, but when a Triple A game that is wayyy over hyped comes along. Temptation is too much for me, for example I'll be all over Resident Evil 7 VR, that could be a stinker.
Civ VI
Battlefield 1
Mafia 3 was on this list but that was confirmed 30 fps this morning so you can tick that one off.

Mafia 3 has a post release patch with frame rate uncap included in the works apparently. That they can't release the thing uncapped to begin with just shows the shoddy state of coding these days.
The trouble with buying later on for some of the MP games is missing out on the chatter/forums and when you play it, most have moved on. I like to discuss the games as I play, so it is often better to get them early to do that. There is quite a few cases though that buying early means you are a Beta tester and that kinda sucks, so I can see where people are peeved. I rarely ever pre-order but if I know it is a game I want, I will but I can count on 2 fingers how many games I pre-ordered this year.
biggest disappoint of late (and there are many disappointing games) has to be Battlefront. I considered putting NMS, but i already had my doubts about that game and had nothing to compare it to, however Battlefront is the 3rd game. The first 2 were fantastic. When i heard DICE where involved i got excited knowing a big studio with big money behind it would be doing the game justice, but what we got is an embarrassment. It's a kids game but with the money put into it as though it's a tripple A adults game
biggest disappoint of late (and there are many disappointing games) has to be Battlefront. I considered putting NMS, but i already had my doubts about that game and had nothing to compare it to, however Battlefront is the 3rd game. The first 2 were fantastic. When i heard DICE where involved i got excited knowing a big studio with big money behind it would be doing the game justice, but what we got is an embarrassment. It's a kids game but with the money put into it as though it's a tripple A adults game

Forgot about that. Must admit I haven't give it a fair crack of the whip yet, love the solo challenges, beggars canyon, endor namely. The bit of online I did play was a bit, hmmm, basic.
TBPH, every single game.

All just bug ridden POS now + most games now are usually bland and boring catered to the casual crowd...
Mass Effect 4

I'm not expecting much here so tbh it'll likely surprise me rather than disappoint.

But yeah Star Citizen will of course have elements that disappoint given a game of that scope can never 100% please everyone. Should still mostly be stunning though.

I'm expecting Dishonoured 2 to disappoint. Got reasonably high expectations for it.
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