What gaming mouse do you use for FPS gaming?

Func MS-3, This mouse is literally perfect, I really hope Ocuk will be stocking the new Func headset & Mech keyboard in the future as i had to go elsewhere to get this :(
I do really like my Sensei but I'm pretty tempted by the new G700s as I want a wireless mouse, I assume it's just a rebadged G700 but will have to read up on it...
Zowie EC1 eVo. One of the best choices for FPS if you're a low sens player. Optical all the way for me.

+1. Absolutely adore this thing. Easily better than anything I have ever used, of course I think it's all subjective as to what YOU think is comfortable.
Would definitely still be using my G9 if it hadn't broke but it did and i went for a cheap replacement the Steelseries Kana..i liked it so much i have just bought its big brother the sensai (MLG)
IMO 1.1 here.

Tried a WMO, too small (low)
Tried a Zowie AM, really really small (in all dimensions, but easily the best scroll whell of all time)
Tried a Sensei. Pretty much perfect shape and size but the bull**** they put on it as a joke it just pointless and the metal finish is terribad.

I would love to try a Zowie EC1 but right now I cant justify the price...that and they are difficult to get hold of for some reason.
Microsoft wheel mouse optical (WMO 1.1a). Getting on for 10 years old now, was fine for UT99, quake 2 and 3 back then and is still fine for CSS/GO and UT3 etc now.
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