What gear do you wear?

spring to autumn commuting in London I'm in a air mesh textile jacket, normal jeans, leather gloves and boots and a helmet. If I'm going further then textile trousers over a pair of light shorts for summer. Just depends on the speeds really. Then in winter it's just swap out the air mesh jacket for a std textile jacket and heavier gloves.
I'm getting a bit hot in my HG textiles now. Thinking I need some lightweight air meshy stuff you guys mention.
Super hot weather I wear an Alpine Stars bionic jacket. Basically body armor mounted on mesh. Whilst moving it's lovely and cool. Though when the temperature drops... brrr! :D

I stick to my leathers for my lower half. I find the vents etc. cool me down better than kevlar jeans :)
I wear mostly the same gear all year round, In summer I remove the inner linings on my text jacket which allows really good air flow. Oh and I swap gloves to summer ones. Same boots and same Hood kevlar jeans.
Hein Gericke Gore-tex jacket, rain or shine.

Hein Gericke Gore-tex trousers for long distance, jeans locally.

Berghaus Gore-tex walking boots.

Hein Gericke Gore-tex winter gloves. Magma summer gloves.

I need to get a decent summer jacket with good venting. Has to be Gore-tex obviously :)

I'd say you're better off getting a proper pair of boots :D
Alpine Star Boots
Frank Thomas 2 Piece leathers with Kevlar
Dainese Gloves
Arai lid, no cant remember the model, its from 2000
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