What have you done to your car today?

With the mini still under control of a pair of blackbirds, I switched to the MGB and a huge pile of random parts. Also made a homemade bright work polisher from an old washing machine motor, 2 circular saw blades and a light switch!

need to work on your welding :p seriously though that's a awesome!
So, attacked the rear brakes of the TT at the weekend, both sides seem to slide freely, and whilst the discs were worse for wear, there was no obvious scoring from a trapped stone or suchlike. The dust shield at the back was still in decent condition and not rubbing.

Back to square one on the random scraping/rubbing noise.

Drove the car less than a mile to Sainsbury’s and noticed a very similar noise whilst going over the speed bumps and the car wasn’t warmed up fully (as previously the noise was only apparent after warming up). Got home and back on the ramps, crawled underneath and had a good old rummage, turns out when the exhaust is fully warm, it moves aft around half an inch (is this expansion due to heat, or is the whole engine moving rearwards on its mounts when warm?) and as a result was fouling the rear subframe ever so slightly, when turning right, the centrifugal (centripetal?) force would have been pulling the exhaust away from this point on the subframe.

So I undid all of the exhaust joints and rejigged it so that the bend in the exhaust was further toward the front of the car by around 0.75”. Hopefully this will mean the noise is gone.

Time to go for a drive and find out!

Looks twisted slightly.
Thats just the camera angle, it’s centered just fine on the bumper cutouts :)

One of the tips is further out than the other in that pic though, but they are adjustable as they are clamped onto the backbox rather than welded.
Front brake discs and pads finally arrived for the gf's Fiesta, OEM from a ford dealer on eBay. Unfortunately they took 11 days to get here!

It's been in the air since the day after I ordered them, so was nice to finally get them on and done :)
I have what looks like water/rust stains running from behind rear number plate where screws are - Easy -just undo screws and clean up- :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Hour and half later finally managed to drill screw heads off -either my drill bits were blunt or the screws were made of super hard steel.
Quick trip to Motorworld for some plastic fixing screws and back on.- Taking it off again today to put a ring of mastic glue round screw hole to stop any water seeping past.
Went from this...


To this.


EONONs updated headunit. Does look a lot better than the previous version.

Oh and booked the car in for a complete respray.
Swapped the chrome grill surround for the far better looking (in my opinion) black version. It was an absolute pig to get off and as you can see from the pieces on the ground in front of the car it didn't come off in one piece!

Changed both Anti Roll Bar Links.
Last ones was worn, and couldn’t get them off.
Grinder and mole grips sorted that.

Good for a few years hopefully.

£15 a pair from Eurocarparts, cnt go wrong !
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