I agree the denon 7200, has a smooth highly detailed treble.
But i say this, the th900's detail thanks to it's treble and speed especially and lower distortion i can say with confidence that it sounds more detailed than d7200.
You have to hear the th900, with mental burn in you would think the d7200 are highly detailed and yes they are but the th900 well to put it this way, it sounds much much less of a blur of a sound which many people would be accustomed too with other headphones that are not the th900.
I think it would be complex passage of sound the speed of the th900 i know shines with convoying detail because well it sounds more faster and much more pin point, more real, or the pace rhythm of the drivers.
Despite the speed of the th900 regarding my experiance with the d7200, well the th900 is like a headphones on steroids, where as the d7200 is more relaxing.
The d7200 is slower than th900 and it would be quite different, but the speed of the 900 in my opinions is way more bang on accurate with the speed, without the blur and you will notice sounds being way more pronounced.