what headphones do you own thread - i own dt150's :)

I know, I'm referring to the Blue 2's in my post, it was mentioned twice, I also referred to the original Blue as context and comparison, the Blue line are all about Harman Target curve, the original was one of the first IEM's at the time to really be tuned to that target curve, the Blue 2's have gone further down that road which is fine if your a fan of that but some people can find it a little fatiguing in the upper mids and lower trible, the Blue to is not an upgrade to the Reds, the BLue 2 have now been upgraded to the same drivers the as Reds, it comes down to which tuning you may prefer.

That would be the point, the point is try something REALLY close to the harman curve to see for myself what that is like, as a reference point, so to speak. It's one thing to see a graph, but it's another to have a sound to compare with.
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That would be the point, the point is try something REALLY close to the harman curve to see for myself what that is like, as a reference point, so to speak. It's one thing to see a graph, but it's another to have a sound to compare with.

Well that being the case then the Blue/2 is the perfect IEM to test that theory and see if you like the Harman Target, that will really help going forward when choosing IEMs in the future or upgrading. I actually don't mind Harman Targete too much in headphones but IEM's it seems to fatigue me a lot more, hopefully for you that isn't the case.
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