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What if the 3000 series is over hyped?

29 May 2005
obviously they got offered a fair bit of dosh. but i would imagine DF would have weighed up short term gain vs long terms rep damage and potential fall out of implied complicity...

i also happened to watch their own bench marks for the 3080 (without the selected games from nvidia). the start of the video is a speech about caveats on the basis of the video they did for nvidia. and then the summary section went into more details about what nvidia asked them to do in the promo video. it is not nice reading when the same man in one video says " an across-the-board improvement of around 80% over the 2080." and then in another "the performance gain is disappointing given..."
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
obviously they got offered a fair bit of dosh. but i would imagine DF would have weighed up short term gain vs long terms rep damage and potential fall out of implied complicity...

i also happened to watch their own bench marks for the 3080 (without the selected games from nvidia). the start of the video is a speech about caveats on the basis of the video they did for nvidia. and then the summary section went into more details about what nvidia asked them to do in the promo video. it is not nice reading when the same man in one video says " an across-the-board improvement of around 80% over the 2080." and then in another "the performance gain is disappointing given..."

Seems to me these days many people do not care and happy to give this kind of behavior a pass. I mean look at how all these fake news outlets are so popular, if that is ok then what DF did would not even register on their radar is something bad :p

Oh and to paraphrase he also said that the 3080 provides an experience not possible before, making it sound like the performance uplift is a lot over a 2080Ti. I mean it went hand in hand with what Jensen was saying, so you can see why many people would believe it. I mean technically he is right even if the 3080 is 1% better than a 2080Ti, but still a scummy thing to say imo. I only watch their content now and then and take it with a grain of salt anyway. The main thing they got going for them is above average production values. I do not hate them or anything, just indifferent. Will no doubt still watch some of their content now and then in the future.
6 Aug 2009
But would the system temps not be lower vs the aib cards due to the fe actually exhausting a lot of the heat out of the case? The only thing I can see being a bit higher is cpu and ram temps and even that in a long session of gaming would eventually normalise.

I think that would vary with the cooling you're running. Won't the FE exhaust hot air straight into a CPU air cooler? Very little is going out the back of have thought? The biggest issue is more power draw equals more heat to get rid of. I know, I used to get heatstroke off my 7970's :p:D
14 Sep 2008
I think that would vary with the cooling you're running. Won't the FE exhaust hot air straight into a CPU air cooler? Very little is going out the back of have thought? The biggest issue is more power draw equals more heat to get rid of. I know, I used to get heatstroke off my 7970's :p:D

GN went through this... basically "warm-ish" air goes into the CPU - no real difference tbh.
6 Aug 2009
GN went through this... basically "warm-ish" air goes into the CPU - no real difference tbh.

Good to know the cooler isn't removing much heat. Physics tells us that heat is going somewhere, is be interested to know where. A great cooler and cool chip means it's sucking out a lot of heat...



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Good to know the cooler isn't removing much heat. Physics tells us that heat is going somewhere, is be interested to know where. A great cooler and cool chip means it's sucking out a lot of heat...
That's what my thought is also, even with the aib coolers, the heat is going somewhere, usually all in the case. At least the FE removes some out the back of the case.
2 Jun 2016
That's what my thought is also, even with the aib coolers, the heat is going somewhere, usually all in the case. At least the FE removes some out the back of the case.
Exactly. If say 50% is exhausted (160W), it could be higher, then 160W of heat is in the case versus 320W from an AIB card. Good airflow will definitely be required for the custom 3080s and 90s, just like the 2080Tis.
14 Sep 2008
Good to know the cooler isn't removing much heat. Physics tells us that heat is going somewhere, is be interested to know where. A great cooler and cool chip means it's sucking out a lot of heat...

Way to entirely misunderstand :p

The CPU isn't the only direction the card will dump heat. lol
2 Jun 2016
the 3080 clearly has been over hyped by Nvidia,

I think most people bought into the hype and the slide showing performance gain because that independent analysis by Digital Foundry.

I don't for a second believe that DF is complicit in Nvidia's marketing and trying to "create hyper". however as a tech-reviewer/news outlier or whatever you want to call these outlets , how can you accept such promotion without your conscious telling you something doesn't smell right. Shouldn't DF said to nvidia - ok, if you want us to verify performance, we will want to run our own suites of gaming benches. I can also understand that the new card driver may only been optimised at the time of the reveal for certain games and even to date, the benches that are available may not tell the whole story of performance for these cards.

However the question is really, how can a tech site stand up to these sort of things and should anyone really be going along with tech companies on their marketing journeys without being caught in the cross fire
The guy said he chose the sections of the games to benchmark. Also, he added the caveat at the end to look at benchmarks from independent sites covering a wider range of games. I feel that point was overlooked due to the hype.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
The guy said he chose the sections of the games to benchmark. Also, he added the caveat at the end to look at benchmarks from independent sites covering a wider range of games. I feel that point was overlooked due to the hype.
Sounds like saying one thing, then using a caveat to cover your arse. Not hard to see through.
16 Aug 2009
the 3080 clearly has been over hyped by Nvidia,

I don't for a second believe that DF is complicit in Nvidia's marketing and trying to "create hyper". however as a tech-reviewer/news outlier or whatever you want to call these outlets...

However the question is really, how can a tech site stand up to these sort of things and should anyone really be going along with tech companies on their marketing journeys without being caught in the cross fire

I think you're being very forgiving for what was described on another forum as a "paid for promotion" for Nvidia. Fine if you accept it for it is but if you believe its anything else then Nvidia has pulled one on you. The fact it came out before the NDA was lifted should tell you as much, its also likely a carrot and a stick for other reviewers who are detemined to remain stubbornly independent and insist on giving an honest opinion and "gasp!" not saying what Nvidia wants you to hear "hey guys, just unconditionally promote our stuff so you to in future can get your reviews out way before the NDA lifts! Think of all the extra views!" so expect more of this in the future.
29 May 2005
Seems to me these days many people do not care and happy to give this kind of behavior a pass. I mean look at how all these fake news outlets are so popular, if that is ok then what DF did would not even register on their radar is something bad :p

Oh and to paraphrase he also said that the 3080 provides an experience not possible before, making it sound like the performance uplift is a lot over a 2080Ti. I mean it went hand in hand with what Jensen was saying, so you can see why many people would believe it. I mean technically he is right even if the 3080 is 1% better than a 2080Ti, but still a scummy thing to say imo. I only watch their content now and then and take it with a grain of salt anyway. The main thing they got going for them is above average production values. I do not hate them or anything, just indifferent. Will no doubt still watch some of their content now and then in the future.
i dont disagree with anything you said there.

for me, i feel like DF has some complicity in hyping this card up so much. If this was a lawsuit for mis-representation for sure DF would be partner to Nvidia no doubt about it. without DF's input in the reveal presentation, I think everyone with a sensibility would put doubts on those performance claim. somehow nvidia's "Independently" verified performance really drove out doubts. I feel sorry for anyone who pre-ordered etc. it is a decent card (when compared to 1080ti) just not the generational jump they are cracking it to be

I guess it would not be paying too much attention to DF's output from now on knowing its integrity has been compromised like this.

i am just glad there are lots of independent and impartial outlets out there to see through the rubbish
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