What is a good salary in UK at present?

Depends on location, age and commitments.

Age x1.5 doesn’t sound too far off for ‘good wage’. For a 20 year old house sharing or living with parents, £30k wouldn’t be anything to sniff at.

At 40, £60k would afford a more established lifestyle and mortgage.

Outside of London, that is.
Circumstances are also a relevant factor. I'm a good example of that. I'm a minimum wage flunkey on £19K. But I'm doing pretty OK on that because my expenses are unusually low. No mortgage, no rent, no car, no children, no going away on holiday, no fashion clothing, etc. I have plenty of spare money even with the recent large increases in the cost of living. I don't even look at prices of most things before buying whatever I want and I waste money left right and centre. I don't bother looking at my finances more than a quick glance about once a month. No need - I know that I have more money than I need. I keep accumulating more and more spare money. But for many people here my income is horrifyingly low. By Nitefly's standards (chosen just because it's the post above mine) a "good wage" at my age would be about £80K.

The only thing that bothers me is that I have nowhere near enough money to buy a pension. I used to be in a pension scheme through my employer. I paid maximum contributions and extra contributions into another scheme. I was determined to have an adequate pension, even though it was costing more than I could reasonably afford at the time. I was due to retire on about 90% of whatever my wages were going to be when I retired. The main pension scheme alone would get me 39/60ths of my final wage. Then the schemes became worse and worse and worse and worse again, then they were closed entirely and replaced with nonsense. I got a projection statement saying that after paying in for 39 years my projected pension would probably be about £22 a month. So now I don't have a pension.
Take out variables also inclues location

Taking out relevant factors makes any answer meaningless. Especially location, which has a huge effect on key parts of cost of living. Housing in particular. Say, for example, someone can afford a mortgage of £100K. Around here, that's no problem at all. You can get a reasonable house for £60K. A pretty nice one for £100K. In quite a few places £100K is nowhere near enough to buy any property. So that person would have to rent. Which will cost more than a mortgage would, probably much more, and will never end. So the person would be far worse off. Same income, vastly different outcomes solely due to location.

A good wage is 3p. Well, yes. Per day. In the 11th century. In most locations.
According to the tax thread £100k is not considered a good salary, so I think your answers here are going to be broad to say the least.

If you are going to exclude variables then this is a pointless exercise really, because it is those variables that establish how relatively good or bad the salary is.

For me, I found 28k living alone a bit of a pinch at times (don't get me wrong, I wasn't living on rice and tap water) and 45k was the first point at which I felt "comfortable"
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@aspiring - where are you based and what do you earn?

I ask because, given your many posts in other threads relating to money and specifically about what is considered a good income, is 100k good etc etc, it seems you are continually asking the same question.

So, OP - location and income?
Depends how much am i giving away to my wife?
How many fake interviews and made up stories do i have to concoct every month to get attention?
£50k is probably doing well
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North West UK, i'd say 40k would grant you a nice home you own, nice car, lifestyle etc. i get by on far far less but my outgoings are very low too.
Is "good" having a roof over your head, paying all the bills and not starving?

Maybe it's having a holiday abroad every year? Or two? Maybe three?

Maybe it's also having a nice car on HP?

How big is your family? House? What are your long terms goals? How old are you? Where do you live?

It's ALL variables
I'm a few miles outside the Cotswolds, but it's a fairly nice village.

Even in just pretty bog standard towns, though, house prices are above national average.
Even in a fairly average shire county like Gloucestershire there are large variances. The Forest of Dean is much poorer and lower waged/cheaper than the Eastern Cotswold part. Likewise, cost to buy in Gloucester is a lot less than Cheltenham. It's quite an extreme county area really.

Edit - In response to the OP; you can't really ignore location. Housing (so therefore location) is a massive factor in this country.
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