What is a good salary in UK at present?

Even in a fairly average shire county like Gloucestershire there are large variances. The Forest of Dean is much poorer and lower waged/cheaper than the Eastern Cotswold part. Likewise, cost to buy in Gloucester is a lot less than Cheltenham. It's quite an extreme county area really.

Edit - In response to the OP; you can't really ignore location. Housing is (so therefore location) is a massive factor in this country.

There’s a reason Gloucester is much cheaper though ;)
There’s a reason Gloucester is much cheaper though ;)
Hehe, worked there for 20ish years (until the mid-00s). Westgate Street nice, shame what the 60s planners did to the rest of the city centre. Some nice suburbs though, Coney Hill and Conduit Street not so much ;)
25% above local median is probably what i'd go with.

According to ONS, UK median salary is around £30k.

I looked at the ONS stats a few years ago and remember it varies greatly by location. London median is way higher, some parts are a lot lower. The spread between top and bottom deciles is greater in some regions, too.

If I have time, I'll look up the data and put up some regional medians later.
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Data from ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, Oct 2022 (latest, gross) https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentan...ts/placeofresidencebylocalauthorityashetable8

I just did a quick and dirty pivot table of the weekly, and multiplied by 52.

Only London, East and South East are above the UK median.
Uk £27,582
London £33,582
South East £29,577
East £28,533
East Midlands £26,265
West Midlands £26,842
South West £26,384
North East £25,511
Yorkshire and Humber £25, 968
Scotland £27,487
Wales £26,254
Northern Ireland £25,901

At 75th centile, London, East, South East are above UK figure. Variation between regions is greater here.
75th centile
Uk £40,840
London £49,868
South East £44,200
East £42,692
East Midlands £37,975
West Midlands £39,270
South West £44,200
North East £36,233
Yorkshire and Humber £37,440
Scotland £40,942
Wales £37,440
Northern Ireland £38,464

And, just for you Gucci belt wearers: top decile earners. Huge spread between London and the rest here.

Uk £56,810
London £71,749
South East £62,712
East £60,054
East Midlands £51,438
West Midlands £53,315
South West £52,858
North East £49,722
Yorkshire and Humber £52,140
Scotland £53,924
Wales £53,315
Northern Ireland £51,823

Top decile will cover a huge range of earnings, so take that one with a pinch of salt.
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In Yorkshire, 30+ k is good I'd say.

But like anything it depends on what you want in life doesn't it, people with loads of money are happy/unhappy people with less are happy/unhappy with life in general.
Circumstances are also a relevant factor. I'm a good example of that. I'm a minimum wage flunkey on £19K. But I'm doing pretty OK on that because my expenses are unusually low. No mortgage, no rent, no car, no children, no going away on holiday, no fashion clothing, etc. I have plenty of spare money even with the recent large increases in the cost of living. I don't even look at prices of most things before buying whatever I want and I waste money left right and centre. I don't bother looking at my finances more than a quick glance about once a month. No need - I know that I have more money than I need. I keep accumulating more and more spare money. But for many people here my income is horrifyingly low. By Nitefly's standards (chosen just because it's the post above mine) a "good wage" at my age would be about £80K.

Yup - totally depends on lifestyle and circumstances.

In relation to the above conversation re: what ‘good wage’ actually means, I’d say it means ‘live comfortably without financial worry and have some money to spend at your leisure’.

That’s a lot different than ‘what’s the lowest amount you could live comfortably on’.

I found that when I hit £40k, without children and outside of London, I could live pretty comfortably. Most things are in reach with a bit of saving. Things then get easier when you move in with a partner.

Saving a deposit for a mortgage is undoubtedly the biggest pain in the arse blocker for ‘financial comfort’. This could be tricky even on a decent salary depending on your commitments (I.e. if you have children).
Are we talking household income or individual here.
I bring in <30k wife is on universal credit and we plenty of spare money to holiday, get the cars we want and anything else.
Well I work part time at not much over minimum wage (moon man holds back on posting a veiw) but my needs are met, I have no debt (rap going on)bundles of lovely cash in the bank and live in a beautiful location.
Boomer luck ! how dare you!
Are we talking household income or individual here.
I bring in <30k wife is on universal credit and we plenty of spare money to holiday, get the cars we want and anything else.

Few questions there, where do you live? What type of cars are you buying and holidays are you going on?

Our household income is £60k+ and that’s in the northeast and we couldn’t afford a couple of new cars and expensive holidays every year that’s for sure. Well we could but we’d pretty much have zero savings.
Few questions there, where do you live? What type of cars are you buying and holidays are you going on?

Our household income is £60k+ and that’s in the northeast and we couldn’t afford a couple of new cars and expensive holidays every year that’s for sure. Well we could but we’d pretty much have zero savings.
Manchester. I certainly don't buy two new cars a year. Current car cost me £18k 6 months old. But if happily spend more if the car I wanted was more (I'm not into cars so I don't waste money on them just get what's required)
Holidays family of four to Cyprus, Greece, Crete that sort of place nice 4*+ hotel none of this kids free type places.
All comes down to what you spend on I guess.

I'm stuck in a position where when I get a pay rise the wife's universal credit goes down by 60p so every £1 I get we only see 40p of it which is a bit annoying.
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