What is considered to be the best speaker set for around £100?

Sonic Impact T-Amp and the rest of the cash on some decent bookshelf speakers?

Otherwise, Aego M's are good.

Not as good as a T-Amp and KEF Coda's though, IMO...
i dont know those products, but something tells me they'll be over double my budget :(
The Aego M pricing unfortunately went up recently and as we're selling our stock so quickly we're on the new pricing. You might find the odd person with some old stock still hence the lower price.
Im replacing my Onkyo amplifier and Q acoustics bookshelf speakers with the Aego M system, mainly for size reasons.
You will never sway me from the Aego system, its the best of its kind imo.
Sonic Impact T-Amp and the rest of the cash on some decent bookshelf speakers?

Otherwise, Aego M's are good.

Not as good as a T-Amp and KEF Coda's though, IMO...
That Sonic Impact amp is awesome - I've built a 41hz.com AMP6 kit (which is very similar) and can say I'm more than happy with it...

As for speakers... I haven't a clue... :o
i dont know those products, but something tells me they'll be over double my budget :(

Not necessarily.

The Sonic Impact T-Amp should cost around £30 if you shop around. (OCUK don't sell it unfortunately..)

A review of it is here, just so you know how good it is!


That leaves you around £70 for some speakers, and for that you could get some nice Eltax MONITOR 3's for instance?

You will need a little 12v transformer for the Sonic Impact too, unless you are happy using rechargeable AA's.

It really is an amazing little amp for the money, and will do any music or games justice, with a little care taken over some easy to drive speakers.
I just remembered i have a pair of pretty fantastic speakers at home that just need an amp, but these speakers are pretty big. What are some good value amps at under £100? do they come with volume remotes?
The 2 best PC speaker sets available are the Aego M's talked about already and the Roth AudioBlobs (rebadged Tannoy's) which are going for bargain prices at the moment as they were £150.
Mate, did you not read the link?!

You're letting your preconceptions get in the way of you purchasing one of the finest budget amps anybody has ever made!

I too was very sceptical about it sounding as good as the reviews say, but it really is as good as they say. The sound quality is easily on a par with my Rotel full size amp, and that cost £125!

The absolute power ratings mean nothing in the hi-fi world, which is why this nominally rated 15w amp blows away many other so called 'big power' amps. It will easily drive some 4 or 8 ohm speakers (mine by the pc at the moment are some Tangent bookshelf jobbies available on the high st, but I've also tried them with KEF Coda 7's and Eltax Monitor 3's) and if you just buy a 12v transformer you won't need to worry about the battery issue.

I've got a different T-Class amp arriving next week, which uses the same chip, and I'm tempted to offer you the loan of my Sonic Impact one just so you can hear for yourself!! :)

Can you tell I'm a fan?!

EDIT: What are the speakers you've got already? What are they rated at, ohms wise?
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a portable battery powered amp to run 2 massive speakers?
Yep. What impedance are your speakers... It normally says on the back.

I'm using that (equivalent) amp from a laptop battery pack into 6 ohm speakers, and I can hear it from the other end of a 5 bedroom bungalow, if your worried about volume. :)

If it was my money, I know what I'd get...

EDIT: 4 ohm speakers will work best with this amp, and 8 ohm is good also. If they are 16 ohms, then it may not be the best choice tho...

Tooks: What amp you getting? :D
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I bought a set of the logitech Z-640's when the local PC Turd was kicking them out at silly prices. I paid £60. Had them for 2 years and they are the best set of PC speakers I've owned.

They don't come close to my seperates but even for music they sound amazing, with a very full sound for computer speakers. The THX certification on them is a big indicator.

Logitech currently do a set called the Z-2300 which are 2.1 and THX certified. They are listed at £119.99 on the logitech website but that will be way more than you can pick some up for.

The amlification is so important, you can buy a 2.1 set of speakers with a rating of 100 W on the front of the box, but it will be a peak power output and it will be split over the three speakers. Usually with the bulk going to the sub. So what looks like 100W is usally 50 with 35 going to the sub.

The Z640's I have have 200W RMS devided between the speakers which is a much healthier figure. I believe there is 120w to the sub and 40w to each of the satellites.

Now don't get me wrong amplification isn't everything but there is a reason for the difference in price between cheap 2.1 setups and expensive ones.

For reference I can't say I've heard a set of creative speakers that I liked. All the ones I've heard were severely lacking in mid and mid-bass, they loads of treble and loads of sub bass.
Yep. What impedance are your speakers... It normally says on the back.

I'm using that (equivalent) amp from a laptop battery pack into 6 ohm speakers, and I can hear it from the other end of a 5 bedroom bungalow, if your worried about volume. :)

If it was my money, I know what I'd get...

EDIT: 4 ohm speakers will work best with this amp, and 8 ohm is good also. If they are 16 ohms, then it may not be the best choice tho...

Tooks: What amp you getting? :D
hey where do i know you from? i think we used to chat on msn
Yep. What impedance are your speakers... It normally says on the back.

I'm using that (equivalent) amp from a laptop battery pack into 6 ohm speakers, and I can hear it from the other end of a 5 bedroom bungalow, if your worried about volume. :)

If it was my money, I know what I'd get...

EDIT: 4 ohm speakers will work best with this amp, and 8 ohm is good also. If they are 16 ohms, then it may not be the best choice tho...

Tooks: What amp you getting? :D
i'd take you up on that but my speakers are miles away from me so cant check,
thx means jack all for pc speakers, dont believe the lies.

mikehun79 said:
That Sonic Impact amp is awesome - I've built a 41hz.com AMP6 kit (which is very similar) and can say I'm more than happy with it...

As for speakers... I haven't a clue...

ooooh niiiiice, i was looking for a little project amp. cheers for that link
Tooks: What amp you getting? :D

I'm getting the Mk II Sonic Impact T Amp!

It's the rectangular one with exactly the same tripath chip as the Mk I, but I'm also getting a 13.2v regulated power supply which is supposed to help improve things still further.

It's for a study based sound system and hoping to link it up to some Eltax Monitor III's.
Nice! I think the mark 2 is meant to have better bass as the mark 1 had some sort of filter which mark 2 has improved upon (I think)... It should be a good match with those Eltaxes... Mind you, I've found they can even make crappy midi system speakers sound a little better!

I've got my soldering iron out and built the 41hz.com "amp 6 basic" kit in the end, which also uses the same tripath chip as the sonic impact... I sometime power it from a 12v PSU, but I use it from a laptop battery pack most of the time. This means I can use it outside or in the shower which is kinda cool...

I've been using it daily since I built it, until it went wrong today... :( I think I know what's wrong with it (I need to properly isolate the speaker outputs), but it's not until it goes wrong I realise how good it was... :)
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