What is in my garden?

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I think I speak for the majority of the forums when I PLEAD to you to PLEASE FILM THE EXPERIENCE- with this build up, no matter the outcome it would be one hell of a documentary!!

I love this thread!

I'm not going near the woods again without my rifle

Right deep breath.... My Mum was round looking after my kids whilst the wife was at work last night.
When I got home I heard it again... I then sent my Mum on her way, with me taking her to her car. She heard it as well, and didnt think it was a good idea to go into the woods on my own..

Anyway I did ;)

My uber torch is ace btw.. I went deeper into the woods than I had been before at night and heard the sound coming from near an ancient beech tree, so I moved slowly closer to it. Nothing, but I still heard it pretty close by.

I then started to scan the tree, but didnt see any eyes looking back.

I was quite deep into the woods by now and my torch started to fade:eek:

I then heard it coming from behind me, and my torch was fading fast!!!!!

I ran like the clappers back through the woods and up the hill

saying OMG OMG OMG several times

Safe inside I had a beer :D

I will charge at it tonight like an angry elephant

Tonight is the night I will find out what it is

shenanigans TBH
Good idea, I will mount the camera on the torch and baseball bat in the other hand :)

Awesome :)

Best thread in a while... the key to a great forum thread is someone documenting something unknown and mysterious like this. It's genuinely exciting! (And funny when they hype turns out to be hedgehogs. :D)
There's far too much emphasis on killing it for my liking!! This needs to be curbed, we don't even know what it is? All we know is that it is something making strange noises? It isn't threatening until it's discovered?
lol class thread.

If it was an animal i would have thought it would have moved on now.

Maybe its Mr Burns from the simpsons, Anyone got a pic of where hes walking through the woods and everyone mistakes him for an Alien?? :D that was class
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