Right deep breath.... My Mum was round looking after my kids whilst the wife was at work last night.
When I got home I heard it again... I then sent my Mum on her way, with me taking her to her car. She heard it as well, and didnt think it was a good idea to go into the woods on my own..
Anyway I did
My uber torch is ace btw.. I went deeper into the woods than I had been before at night and heard the sound coming from near an ancient beech tree, so I moved slowly closer to it. Nothing, but I still heard it pretty close by.
I then started to scan the tree, but didnt see any eyes looking back.
I was quite deep into the woods by now and my torch started to fade
I then heard it coming from behind me, and my torch was fading fast!!!!!
I ran like the clappers back through the woods and up the hill
saying OMG OMG OMG several times
Safe inside I had a beer
I will charge at it tonight like an angry elephant
Tonight is the night I will find out what it is