What is it that makes people hate Apple so much?

Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I can totally understand someone not wanting a Mac, or iPad, or iPhone.

However, some people absolutely HATE Apple, you would think they were a load of child killing nutters the way some people talk about them. It's absolutely bizarre.

Also, if you try to reason with these people, their reasoning is often totally incorrect and their assumptions are silly and wrong.

What do you think causes it? Other companies certainly don't seem to get peoples backs up like this. Some people speak of Apple with a vehement disgust for everything they do. They're a technology company for goodness sake, relax? :confused:
I've dealt with people who have the same feelings for Microsoft, its the same to a lesser extent with Nvidia and AMD/ATi. You're going to find fanboys where ever there are 'rival' companies as people will always want to think they have the best, but when everyside is saying that, people tend to get a little aggressive/overly defensive...
People which cannot afford a Mac. Or those who have tried them, but cannot use them, lol.

I was a long time Windows user, first Apple product was a iPhone 3G, loved it. Got myself a MBP 2011, love it even more.

Yes, the majority of Apple products are expensive but the quality of them is outstanding. They're just so fluid with whatever they do. Don't bash until you actually sit down and try one tbh.
Stupidity*, at a guess.

Nothing wrong with disliking the products or Apple as a company, but a lot of them seem to directly insult the owners which gets on my nerves.

* Aimed specifically at those bashing Apple owners, not Android/WM7/BB or whatever owners.
It's the hyperbole in the advertising

Hyperbole? How about this Xoom advert:

"A Tablet to Create a Better World", portrayed as though it alone could change an Orwellian state for the better. Now that's hyperbole!

Or maybe it's just marketing, something that every company does. Some just do it more effectively than others.

and smugness of the fans, I'd guess.

It isn't Apple users that start thread after thread bashing Android. I'd happily use an Android device, but I don't see how preferring one over the other makes me smug?
I've met very few Apple users that are what I'd call 'smug', many of them are drawn in by the advertising and believe they have the best phone for example, but then you can easily make a case that they do, so it's not really an issue.

Apple bashing is very much on the rise, hence this thread. I've known people that didn't like Microsoft etc but some of the people that don't like Apple absolutely hate them to ridiculous extremes, even though they might actually enjoy their products if they tried them... where does it come from? :confused:
Blindness clouds peoples judgement.
Whilst it might be true that the anti brigade is getting worse, the pro smug fanboys are just as bad. Feeding the trolls with statements that are extremely biased, or down-right untrue.

I like my Mac, its not the second coming of Jesus though. I like osx,but then again, windows is also good.
My only anti feelings recently have been in the phone patent shambles lately, the apple fanboy comments posted after every one cause extreme annoyance. I almost get the impression that Apple could claim to have invented air and that we all must pay to breathe, and the fans would defend this to the death...

Technology = great, patents on black rectangular shapes hurting technology= not so great
Thread is in wrong forum! Needs to be in GD, GH or mobile phones.

When people say it's because they're jealous, that just makes the Apple users seem more smug. It's not because people are jealous for goodness sakes. Anyone could buy an iPod or whatever iwotsit really, especially most people on these forums, but they choose not to. Is it because the hardware is no good? Not really, despite being quite locked down, it's powerful enough and reliable enough, plus the designs are very good on the most part. It's about the attitude of Apple towards the world, and this does rub off on some of the owners (a minority are vocal about it). Apple are trying to sell a better life to people, not just bits of electronics and plastic, and they're doing it in a more evocative and overwhelming way than anything the general public have seen before. Some people are like 'nice, I could have me some of that' and others are like 'what is this?'. So I think it's about how people respond to that as well. Not to mention the petty lawsuits that make it into the press, although no company is truly innocent here, but Apple are pushing their luck in some circumstances. This doesn't look good to a lot of people. Most people don't care.

The fact that you're supposedly buying into more than a product, in almost a religious sense at times, is alone enough to put off a lot of people who aren't as materialistic as others. Sure, other manufacturers try to advertise in that way, but it comes off as tongue in cheek and generally isn't taken seriously. With Apple, something is different. Like they genuinely believe this isn't a piece of electronics, but something much more.

The reality isn't anywhere near as grand of course, and a lot of people who've ended up with their products for other reasons have trouble understanding why some people don't buy into it as they don't see the products and company in the same way.

Then there are a few other things. Price, although not prohibitive, it's as close as possible and usually more expensive than the competition. Restrictions, limitations, compared to the open source software that's out there, and even MS software, sometimes OSX, iOS can feel quite difficult to manouver on. This is the real reason why I don't buy the products, as I like to tweak, customise and so on. That's part of the fun for me and it's just not possible in the same way in Apple's walled garden. Also, every time I've had to use OSX it's been frustrating as some places/companies use it but most use Windows so it's another skillset to learn for not a lot of reward, and when using iOS and iPhones, especially trying to get them to play with windows has been a nightmare for me recently. They're only easy to use if you have basic demands, otherwise you need to learn a lot about them before being able to go forward much further.
I think in some groups it's "cool" to not like Apple, just because it's popular (in the same way that it's "cool" not to like Facebook).

I think that it is also not helped by some Apple fanboys being over the top in their praising and evangelising of some of the products.
Thread is in wrong forum! Needs to be in GD, GH or mobile phones.

Absolutely not. Nearly every Apple thread in GD and the Mobile section will be spammed to hell and back by clueless people spouting nonsense.

I put it in here for a reason.
My initial dislike was the ipod. It didn't matter at the time that there where better products on the market, far less restrictive, better sound quality and didn't have to suffer the frankly poo itunes. Yet people still snapped them up because they looked so damn good.

That was then, now I have an iphone and an ipad in my house and I like the functionality of them both. I would have a desktop pc if I could use it with my own monitors and not have to pay the frankly absurd price of the pro 'towers'.
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