What is it that makes people hate Apple so much?

I work with people who hate Apple & love Apple. I have spoke to people that hate Android & love Android. I have spoke to people who hate Microsoft & people who love Microsoft.

I have also asked these users why they love/hate these companies. Basically the responses are as follows broke down into categories;

A) They can't afford the devices.
B) They don't like the company.
C) They hate iTunes.
D) The designs of the products are great.
E) The products are affordable.
F) I love the company.
G) The functionality is brilliant.

If you think about it there are a few factors (Price/Design/Functionality) (PDF). I think these are the 3 main aspects of why someone would pick a device over one other device. It's how I perceive it.
I do think the reasoning behind it is mainly due to cost closely followed by jealousy (most likely due to cost again!)

Although If you care about someone hating apple then aren't you just hating them for hating apple? :p

The vicious circle of life!
I think its amusing the lengths of these 'haters' go to to emphasise their points, making videos and 'funny' graphics, and some most have taken such a long time to create.

I don't like marzipan, but I don't make videos of it saying how crap is it, I just don't eat it. By the same token, Im not a windows/pc user anymore and much prefer OSX, but you won't find me in the PC section of this forum making broad uninformed statements declaring my hatred of them, I just don't go there.

It seems cool to hate Apple these days, like it was cool to **** off Microsoft (M$) and Bill Gates a few years ago. These people just need to concentrate on their own business and let 'us' get on with using our choice of platform.
I don't understand the pure hatred either. How others spend their money with full understanding of what they're getting is none of your business.

It is actually quite funny, you know.
They're a technology company for goodness sake, relax? :confused:

Its because they are popular, and by many seen as fashionable for reasons other than technological ones.

That combined with a staunch "our way or the highway" attitude from Jobs.
Absolutely not. Nearly every Apple thread in GD and the Mobile section will be spammed to hell and back by clueless people spouting nonsense.

I put it in here for a reason.

Then it would be more suited to speakers corner. In here the responses will be biased in a different way, no?

Do people seriously think it's because those without Apple devices are jealous? That strikes me as slightly patronising and naive.

I think the problem is that there is this emotional attachment to their products that Apple have created and some people are either sucked into it, or disgusted by it. There you have your polar factions (the vocal ones), then there are the people inbetween who decide on a sliding scale of actual merits of the products and the two ends of the spectrum.

What's really annoying is that it's almost impossible to say anything bad about Apple, especially on these forums, before you get flamed for being an Android (or whatever) fanboy. Arguments on the internet get naturally polarised as well, which really adds to the problem. In real life people don't seem nearly as crazy, except for a small minority of Apple worshippers and haters, but their arguments are easily reasoned with, face to face.

Another thing that slightly annoys me about the whole market is that a lot of people (many, many I know) buy the idevices as they are simply ignorant of the alternatives and refuse to consider them as they're simply 'not an iPhone' or an 'iPhone copy' etc. A win for the marketing and a loss for healthy competition, partly because of the nature of the British public in particular to go with fads and fashions, despite often superior alternatives in the market. I can see why people might dislike that, but to vehemently slander the products doesn't really make much sense.
One thing I am starting to more and more dislike about them is the seeming arrogance of the company. They seem to be trying to buy out competition or sue for virtually anything at the moment.
Maybe they are now too big?

Whilst I agree companies should protect their rights it feels as if they are using it to stifle competition which in the long run is not good.

However I do have Apple products too and they do what they were designed for. However I bought them for that reason rather than because of the logo.
Then it would be more suited to speakers corner. In here the responses will be biased in a different way, no?

Perhaps, but the Apple users on this forum aren't generally big-headed or unreasonable so I wanted to see what they thought (and I know many other users come in here anyway, so there will be conflicting input and won't be a circle jerk :p).

Do people seriously think it's because those without Apple devices are jealous? That strikes me as slightly patronising and naive.

Overall it's probably an incorrect assumption but it's bound to happen when people always bang on about the price and nothing else.

What's really annoying is that it's almost impossible to say anything bad about Apple, especially on these forums, before you get flamed for being an Android (or whatever) fanboy. Arguments on the internet get naturally polarised as well, which really adds to the problem. In real life people don't seem nearly as crazy, except for a small minority of Apple worshippers and haters, but their arguments are easily reasoned with, face to face.

On this forum, you can't say anything bad about Android or at the moment, the Galaxy S II, or you'll get lynched. I know, I've seen it.

If you even mention Apple in anything other than a negative light in GD or the mobiles section, you're a fanboy.

Another thing that slightly annoys me about the whole market is that a lot of people (many, many I know) buy the idevices as they are simply ignorant of the alternatives and refuse to consider them as they're simply 'not an iPhone' or an 'iPhone copy' etc. A win for the marketing and a loss for healthy competition, partly because of the nature of the British public in particular to go with fads and fashions, despite often superior alternatives in the market. I can see why people might dislike that, but to vehemently slander the products doesn't really make much sense.
I know what you are getting at here, I know people that don't even believe their device is a smartphone, it's an iPhone... :o

Still, they aren't clued up about technology and there is no way in hell they would prefer an Android device, they would hate it. People like that also generally love apps, and the Apple app store is king, you simply can't argue about that.

As someone said before a long time ago on here, if you have an Android device, the average person would assume it's because you couldn't afford an iPhone. They are the thing to have. Rightly or wrongly.
Hyperbole? How about this Xoom advert:

That video is... magical. :p

It isn't Apple users that start thread after thread bashing Android. I'd happily use an Android device, but I don't see how preferring one over the other makes me smug?

Not all Apple fans are smug but that's the cliché. The stereotypical Apple user is the kind found over on Apple Insider rather than the people here.
I'll admit, I used to be anti apple, but that was only because I think the products are overpriced. I'm still against some apple products
This pretty much.

They just don't understand why would people pay a bit more for a product, confused by that thought it turns to hate.

I really think it's more the extreme Apple smugness that causes most backlash these days.
I understand why people would pay more for the design and looks, also for the OS and support, and you only have to look at the screens they use to see you're getting better quality in this area.

When I hear of how amazing the build quality is though and how all there hardware is superior... Meh.
Build quality seems to be on par with everyone else tbh, they have their fair share of hardware mess-ups. Things fail just like every other company. Many of their batteries are a joke, but that's the same as everyone else.

They are just a company tbh, I just wish they'd stop with the lawsuits against EVERY competitor, and the fans would stop with their extreme worship of the company.
Most apple users I've met seem to be unpaid salesmen. "OMG, you're still using windows" and then go on a biblical rant about how Apple products are amazing and they wouldn't buy anything else. They also tend to have the whole catalogue. IMac, IPhone, ITelly, IBackup and whatever else they sell.
They are just a company tbh, I just wish they'd stop with the lawsuits against EVERY competitor, and the fans would stop with their extreme worship of the company.

All companies have fans, admittedly not as extreme as some Apple ones but still. Ultimately, what harm do they do? I'd rather someone was an Apple fanboy and a bit irritating than a benefit scrounging rioter for example :p

Also, it's a pretty small amount of people you're referring to that treat Apple as a religion, in fact, it's pretty tiny.
I hate iTunes and Apple as a company. My gf has an iPhone and its practically useless. Either unable to received or make calls and when she can she gets disconnected. Her contract is overpriced due to having an iPhone. I think she wished she had got an android phone.
I do think their products are overpriced and jealousy isnt an issue as I believe Ubuntu is a far better OS and its free :p. Apples products do look funky tho :D
I hate iTunes and Apple as a company. My gf has an iPhone and its practically useless. Either unable to received or make calls and when she can she gets disconnected.

Sounds like it's faulty.

See, you said you "hate Apple as a company"... why? Why HATE them? I totally get preferring something else, but hating them? It's just bizarre.

There are plenty of car manufacturers I don't like but I don't hate them as a company... it makes no sense for me to do so.
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