What is the creepiest thing to have ever happened to you?

That Ted story is pretty freaky - he really portrays the claustrophobia nicely - reminds me of the decent somewhat.

if anyones interested in more info about it:
It looks like its adapted (read copied wholesale) from a short story written a few years earlier that had a full ending:
http://web.archive.org/web/20050117173007/www.dougaustin.com/tlcaves/pdf/Thefearofdarkness.pdf Not read this version yet so can't comment on how much it ruins it...

That was a good old read. :)

that other website with pictures......:eek:
Where anything that happens to you will be a placebo.

Not necessarily, there are plenty of 'scientific' ideas behind 'hauntings'.

Halloween OcUK meet? :D

the haunted hosue is one called "The Cage".

That's a very interesting one, thanks for posting. I hadn't heard of it before. The Sun has a video.

Glad this thread is back, was a very good read keep em coming!
Sadly no stories from me that i can think of :(

There are some more in my generally neglected blog if you are bored. :D
Creepiest thing that has ever happened to me is actually quite a recent even, ~3 weeks ago.

It was the night before I was moving house and all my possessions were boxed in various rooms. I was sleeping in a sleeping bag on the third floor having spent the entire day cleaning and packing. I was absolutely alone in the house and all the doors and windows were locked. I awoke bleary eyed in the early hours of morning to a awful racket coming from the ground floor. I sat up in bed and listened intently to the sound, it was the hoover, wtf? Immediate and stupid thought is that someone else is in the house, and has turned on the hoover for whatever reason. I got out of bed and opened my bedroom door, stood on the landing and looked down the flights of stairs. No lights were on, it was just pitch black with the hoover roaring below me.

There was nothing to hand for me to arm myself with, my golf clubs were on the bottom floor and everything else was in boxes. It took courage to investigate the situation, believe me. :p

I turned on every single light on the way downstairs and eventually came to the hoover, which was sat in the exact same position I had left it in the previous evening, still plugged into the wall, except it was on. I turned it off and checked the doors, both locked. I started investigating every room of the house extensively, with a 9 iron in hand. Nothing.

I'm still puzzled as to what turned the hoover on. Nothing had fallen on it, nothing had moved at all. Only assumption I could come up with was some sort of electrical surge? Weird as hell anyway. I didn't sleep much for the rest of the night!
This is something that was very creepy but I didn't realise it til years later.

When I was about 13/14 me and a friend used to go swimming at our local pool and there would often be these two guys there probably in their early 30s who we'd chat to quite a bit. They were there every week and we went every week, we got on well with them and as you do at a swimming baths often showered at the same time.

Anyway we stopped going after a while out of boredom and my friend went to a different school so I lost contact with him for a few years. But when I was 20 or so I met up with my old mate and he told me one of those two guys had been done for molesting kids since we last saw them!!!

They didn't actually touch us or anything but given our friendly nature with them and the showering thing it made me feel rather sick.
Well there's nothing to really substantiate the claims in this thread other than what people say has happened, and I don't disbelieve them, but I am very much inclined to think that these things have happened to people, but their brains have created whatever it is they see/hear ie seeing a ghost, trick of the eye.

Where things have moved, well energy cannot really create itself so something must have caused them to happen like a can falling off a shelf for example.

Some of this stuff is not easy to explain, but must have a logical explanation which lies within the physical realms of the universe.
Brother was getting trained up for something and had to go in a pressure chamber didn't tell my mum anyway came to the day it happened got to about 3:45 I was sat watching tv I was about 8 all of a sudden I stud up ran for the door going mental mum wouldn't let me out and I wouldn't stop rubbing my face eventually I fell asleep.

Next day brother rings "Mum I had to go into a pressure chamber yesterday at half 3 only lasted until quarter to before I couldn't stand it any longer and had to get out so ran for the door blah blah blah and for some reason couldn't stop rubbing my face".

Nobody believed I actually did that nor did I until my sister in law who didn't get on with my mum back then actually confirmed it bit freaky coincidence tbh if you would call it that....dun dun dun but yeh, true story.
A talent spotter (paedophile) emerged from the bushes and approached me and a friend, both then aged 12, at the most remote on our local golf course to, well, spot our talent. No fiddling was done and the police were called.
That Ted story is pretty freaky - he really portrays the claustrophobia nicely - reminds me of the decent somewhat.

if anyones interested in more info about it:
It looks like its adapted (read copied wholesale) from a short story written a few years earlier that had a full ending:
http://web.archive.org/web/20050117173007/www.dougaustin.com/tlcaves/pdf/Thefearofdarkness.pdf Not read this version yet so can't comment on how much it ruins it...

Just had a read. It is a good story and rather creepy, good thing I didn't read it later on tonight.
Incredible thread - can't believe I missed it first time around :)

I'm not ready to put my creepy experiences on paper/online yet - but one day :)


it somewhere in the South West and I'm there, complete with torch and spare pants :p

Please expand on this and divulge to your now captivated audience :D

Didn't think this thread was about dogging but scary for some I guess :)
Some of this stuff is not easy to explain, but must have a logical explanation which lies within the physical realms of the universe.

Pretty much my thoughts, too. I think ghosts do exist (there have been far, far too many reports of them for them not too), but 90% of them are down to the viewer. Some are slightly harder to explain though, but I think it is simply a case of science not knowing yet.
Mmm but without wishing to turn this to religion, it also has similar reports. I just don't think eye witnesses really explain enough. For me, I think you first have to accept that the human body, and ONLY the human body, has a soul, and then perhaps I could move towards the idea of ghosts existing. But as far as I'm concerned, we do not have souls.
I suppose it depends which kind of ghost you're talking about. I'm not talking about the spirit-of-a-dead-person type. I'm really not sure they exist and, certainly, I haven't seen any hard evidence that would make me change my opinion on that score. If anyone has any I'd love to see it.

Infrasound, stone tape theory, EMF - they are all quite interesting explanations for the 'natural' haunting, though, and I think many more elude us at the moment.
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