What is the creepiest thing to have ever happened to you?

The alien story sound like it could be a night terror.


My son has had night terror's a few times, the first time totally freeked me out, he as 6 or 7 and woke up in the middle of the night screaming, not the usual kids upset scream my a full blood curdling scream.

The worst part though was that he was sat upright looking at something while screaming as though some thing was in the room that we couldnt see ...really but the chills up my spine.

We did some reading up about it and realised what it was so when it happened again it wasnt so bad for us but that first time ...makes me shudder thinking about it as I was convinced he could see some thing in the room.

He couldnt remember anything about it the next morning which is a good thing.

Just coppied this fron Wiki which is exactly how my son was ......Children who have night terrors are usually described as 'bolting upright' with their eyes wide open and a look of fear and panic on their face, and they will often scream. Further, they will usually sweat, exhibit rapid respiration, and have a rapid heart rate (autonomic signs). In some cases, individuals are likely to have even more elaborate motor activity, such as a thrashing of limbs -- which may include punching, swinging, or fleeing motions. There is a sense that the individual is trying to protect themselves and/or escape from a possible threat which can lead to physical injury of the individual.[2] Although it seems like children are awake during a night terror, they will appear confused, be inconsolable and/or unresponsive toward attempts to communicate with them, and may not recognize others familiar to them .....
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I watched http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103919/ with my brothers when I was about 13. We all got quite scared when the movie finished and all decided to run out of the living room in to our bedrooms, each expecting the other switch everything off (tv, vcr etc.).

We later realised that same night that we had left everthing on; the lights, t.v, vcr etc.. so we decided we would all go back together and switch everything off. We got to the living room, my brother switched the t.v and vcr off, I decided I'd switch the light off whilst he was doing this, as soon as I did, all 6 bulbs in the living room fused and went off! - This absolutely scare the **** out of us, we all ran as fast as we could back to our rooms. I remeber very cleary, I did not sleep that entire night.

Strange, but true.
Can someone summarise that nosleep blog link in spoiler tags please?

Thanks :)

Not so creepy really... There is certainly more disturbing stuff in this thread:

A guy who works at a prison describes a document he found, written by a prisoner who is about to be executed. In the document the prisoner describes a "demon" or other creature of some kind that encouraged him to start killing after vomiting a sulphurous pus into his mouth. It reads very much like it was written by a guy suffering from paranoid hallucinations, and while certainly disturbing, doesn't strike me as particularly supernatural.

There are some follow up posts about audio recordings of executions, but there doesn't seem to be anything particularly odd about them (other than that some of the voices are marked as [unidentified voice] in the transcripts.
Just to add a bit more on the night terrors and people seeing stuff in dreams. The modern incarnation of this tends to be an Alien, normally of the typical 'Grey' variety (the ones you get in films and on TV, short, big head and big black eyes ect). But as you back through time what people see in these dreams changes. Back during Victorian times people would see ghosts, at around the same time that ghost stories were becoming part of culture and spiritualist mediums and churches were growing in popularity. Back before that people would see witches and the Devil. The dreams move with the times as our sense of what frightens us evolves with our culture. Just to add I'm not really an expert on this I just remember watching a few documentaries that covered the subject a while back.
We live close to the historic Brooklands race track where many people have been killed in car races. It's now a museum and part of the old track is a retail park. Over the same weekend my daughter and son both saw something very odd.

On the Friday night my daughter and wife hadd gone shopping at Tesco at the retail park. My daughter apparently saw a very tall man walking between two aisles carrying someone else over his shoulder. He then faded and disappeared before they got to the end of the aisle. My daughter looked on both sides but couldn't see anyone... they had indeed just disappeared.

I only found this out later the next day. But early Saturday morning my son and I went to Brooklands museum for a car meet. I'd not talked to my daughter by this point and neither had my son. While sitting on the banks of the track that day my son swears he saw two children run down the side of the bank and again disappear. I looked over when he told me and couldn't see anyone there at all.

Probably just a pair of over keen imaginations but it does seem a little strange.
Thought that Mr Yellow jazz was a bit weak.

Pathetic isn't it. It's a crowd mentality. For a good example, go check the Olympic Closing Ceremony thread for last night. If two posters jumped on an act in a negative way, it snowballs. Everyone dives in and make it sound as if it's the worst thing that could ever happen to this country. When a new act came on and it was classed as positive by whoever got to post it first as such, everyone counted it as great. Nobody wants to feel left out.

Anyway, that's neither here nor there. I just don't think "Mr Yellow" is going to hold much fear for me :p

My most disturbing sight was a woman being run over and killed before my eyes. Her head split open. It happened on January 10, 2011 around 2pm in front of Stockwell tube station. For those who want to check. I dont know if it ever made any news. I'll just always remember the date and time.
During my school-days me and some friends broke into a long abandoned hospital in the night with a couple of flash lights etc.
Geeez did we manage to freak ourselves out that night, especially when one of the doors slammed (because of the draft in the building) and seeing some of the equipment left in the rooms; your fantasy (nicely fed by all the horror films you have seen) really goes into overdrive...for me the best example of "group hysteria"...was very creepy at the time and I was soooo happy to get out of that building
Can someone summarise that nosleep blog link in spoiler tags please?

Thanks :)

It's a LOOOOOONG read but I'll give you some of the highlights. Take into account that I only got halfway through before getting bored. Maybe it got scary later on.
Condemned man writes a letter claiming he was told by an appirition to commit murder. During the execution where the audio was recorded, an unidentified voice is heard asking "Are you ready to die". He wrote the same words in his letter before the execution where Mr Yellow (name given to the appirition) asked him whether he's 'ready to die'.

This all is discovered years later by someone who works there. It's somewhere in Georgia by the way. Apparently there were other such irregularities too. He asks about Tulpas? By that point conspiracy theorists weigh in and all is lost.

Hopefully someone who read the whole thing can finish the story.
Used to run a pub with the parents a few years back. Had a big argument with mum - slammed downstairs door and went upstairs to make some cornflakes. Put cornflakes in bowl and added milk. As I added milk bowl moved a good 30cm over the surface. MY first reaction was someone spilled water out of kettle and the bowl moved over that.

Nope! No water there the bowl litterally moved on its own.

Turned out pub was haunted got special guys in and took pics with orbs on them and everything. Was sooooo cool! :D
It's a LOOOOOONG read but I'll give you some of the highlights. Take into account that I only got halfway through before getting bored. Maybe it got scary later on.
Condemned man writes a letter claiming he was told by an appirition to commit murder. During the execution where the audio was recorded, an unidentified voice is heard asking "Are you ready to die". He wrote the same words in his letter before the execution where Mr Yellow (name given to the appirition) asked him whether he's 'ready to die'.

This all is discovered years later by someone who works there. It's somewhere in Georgia by the way. Apparently there were other such irregularities too. He asks about Tulpas? By that point conspiracy theorists weigh in and all is lost.

Hopefully someone who read the whole thing can finish the story.

It's just creepy all the way through. The OP's last post a month ago was 'not ok something wrongg' :confused::confused:
Every time I see this thread it reminds me of the tantallon castle ghost image :s

I've had an experience in my old house (old barn conversion dating back a long time) when I was like, 6 or 7..

I used to sleep with my door open, and my bed was opposite the door. one night I was pretty restless, looking at the ceiling, when something caught my eye floating (walking?) past the door extremely slowly. I bolted upright, by then it had gone, but the stairs started to creek going down.

Needless to say I just hid under the covers and couldn't sleep that night :/ the whole house had an odd feel about it.

My dad, also came home from the pub once, put a handful of change on the side cabinet of his bed. During the night he thought he heard coins rustling. In the morning, the pile of coins had been spread out flat on the cabinet, which sort of freaked him out, he didn't tell anyone til we had moved to our new house.

My parents before I was born used to also live in a basement flat in the old part of town, one evening the floor of the kitchen was so hot to the touch they couldn't walk over it. They called the fire brigade who came and couldn't find anything. Unexplainable. As there was nothing that could have caused that under the floor.
It's a LOOOOOONG read but I'll give you some of the highlights. Take into account that I only got halfway through before getting bored. Maybe it got scary later on.
Condemned man writes a letter claiming he was told by an appirition to commit murder. During the execution where the audio was recorded, an unidentified voice is heard asking "Are you ready to die". He wrote the same words in his letter before the execution where Mr Yellow (name given to the appirition) asked him whether he's 'ready to die'.

This all is discovered years later by someone who works there. It's somewhere in Georgia by the way. Apparently there were other such irregularities too. He asks about Tulpas? By that point conspiracy theorists weigh in and all is lost.

Hopefully someone who read the whole thing can finish the story.

If you read on, there are similar recordings of convicts refering to similar manifestations (if that's the correct word).

If the guys making it up, he should be snapped up by Hollywood pronto. Or it's the start of a viral marketing campaign
Just too many coincidences for me, and easily finding bits of information to linkn etc. And i usually get scared easily when talking about the paranormal, heck sometime when its late i dont turn the lights off behind me for the fear of something dragging me down the stairs!! lol

So this just didnt do anything for me.

Aye, if you keep reading and check the comments, someone posted proof it's made up - one of the docs he posted a photo of with all the blacked out bits was public, and he'd blacked out the bits to fit his story.

He admits as much, but then just says he doesn't have to prove anything


Reading this


Well it's 4am and I can't sleep because of reading that thing on reddit. I'm a nervous reck lol. I was doing some calculations earlier hit a typo and the result was 666. Scared me even more!

I'm such a wimp but I really can't sleep because of it!
Mine has to be this...

I was about 12 and I was chatting to my dad in the front reception room.. There's a door between the front reception room which leads on to another reception room which are both indoors.

My mum was asleep upstairs and there was no body else in the house. All of a sudden, the door handle started shaking violently as if someone's trying to get out...

Totally freaked out, we both went towards the door and the handle stopped shaking. I opened it immediately and there was nobody there.. there was no way in which anyone could have done a runner from there in a matter of seconds as the reception was quite large with two internal doors...

To this date, I still have no explanation as to what happened that day..

That happened to me when my sister's bedroom door handle started shaking like mad in the middle of the night and she flipped her nut.

Next morning it was on the news a large scale earthquake/tremor caused all sorts of problems, shattered glass and whatnot and obviously vibrated houses/doors.
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