What is the human race end game?

He already answered that, humans are selfish and self serving...
I never asked his reasons, as you say they are already stated I just said I find it hard to believe anyone has such strong dislike for the human race while continuing to be part of it. I would be genuinely concerned for someone who actually believes the human race needs to be wiped out.
I have mental health issues so maybe that answers your question. But I also see the human race as nothing special, nothing but a parasitic virus.
You have my sympathies and I genuinely hope you are getting the required help and support in dealing with your issues.
I have mental health issues so maybe that answers your question. But I also see the human race as nothing special, nothing but a parasitic virus.

And therefore yourself as special because you recognise this.

Come on it was fun when we were teenagers but it's a bit silly now. I mean you've genuinely found a reason not to die every day for thousands of days.
Just thinking what happens when we get to a point where robots do everything? There will be no need to work at all. As everything will be done by them for free.

There will be no need to buy anything, no need for education. We will all just live our lives more than likely in a communist way where we are given what we need in a reasonable way.
I think our endgame, is live on another planet. From there, other planets but at a faster rate. Our first planet will be colonised by scientists, doctors, teachers etc, they won't take religion with them. Education for the new world children will be focussed on tech, medical, using the worlds (currently living on) resources to max efficiency. Expanding to new worlds. Elon is the man to head this task....
Earth > Humans

If Humans ever reach intelligence before destroying the only habitable environment they know, fair enough. If not, I'd prefer something to take us all out....so long as it doesn't take the earth and the rest of the animal kingdom with it of course :p

It's probably the only truly selfless act there is.

I have a suggestion for you.

Get really wealthy first.

Setup a space station, but make sure it has a cloaking device or otherwise invisible to detection.

Pick a bunch of really good looking people. Send them up to this space station to stay for a little while, whilst you dose the surface of the earth in some kind of pollen that only kills humans.

Return. Profit.

Sounds like a great idea, I cant believe this has not been considered before.
I have a suggestion for you.

Get really wealthy first.

Setup a space station, but make sure it has a cloaking device or otherwise invisible to detection.

Pick a bunch of really good looking people. Send them up to this space station to stay for a little while, whilst you dose the surface of the earth in some kind of pollen that only kills humans.

Return. Profit.

Sounds like a great idea, I cant believe this has not been considered before.

Don't you need a really tall henchman with metal teeth to make this sort of thing work? And with Brexit and COVID you just can't get the right staff these days.
[..] Pessimistic take on our actual endgame: moderate technological advancement for a few decades followed by a long stagnation and decline, exacerbated by environmental factors, society fracturing, and war. Eventually ending up back at a sort of iron age level of technology a few millennia from now, lasting until we get wiped out by something like a giant asteroid.

I think that pessimism is a bit optimistic :)

Part of the reason for the iron age was the widespread (in many parts of the world) availability of easily mined deposits of iron ore. Those no longer exist. Where would the iron for this hypothetical new iron age come from? Same goes for copper alloys. I think that if humanity declines below modern technology it's back to the stone age.
I have a suggestion for you.

Get really wealthy first.

Setup a space station, but make sure it has a cloaking device or otherwise invisible to detection.

Pick a bunch of really good looking people. Send them up to this space station to stay for a little while, whilst you dose the surface of the earth in some kind of pollen that only kills humans.

Return. Profit.

Sounds like a great idea, I cant believe this has not been considered before.

Not the worst idea I've heard. Pollen you say?
I think we'll bumble along for a while longer and it's pot luck whether we somehow exterminate ourselves.

Once we've made this planet nearly uninhabitable we'll finally get the message and start manned exploration again, in order to find somewhere new.

I think this will ultimately fail and the human race will end there.
I think that pessimism is a bit optimistic :)

Part of the reason for the iron age was the widespread (in many parts of the world) availability of easily mined deposits of iron ore. Those no longer exist. Where would the iron for this hypothetical new iron age come from? Same goes for copper alloys. I think that if humanity declines below modern technology it's back to the stone age.

The iron would be mined from the rich and concentrated iron ore veins we once called junkyards, industrial estates, military bases etc.

If anything it would be even more plentiful and abundant as even the deposits nature didnt make it easy to get will have been mined up by humanity's first civilisation and deposited nicely on the surface.

Of course its worth remembering that if people can survive, so too can artefacts, and information. The ancient scrolls of israel wont be religious texts but the blueprints for merkava. Its really hard to imagine a situation that allows humanity to survive yet destroys everything we've built and learned.

If we dont make it off this planet before resources become an issue then it'll be a population culling, to make those resources last longer and longer, one child policy here, genetic virus there, nuke a country or ten. We'll hold on with the bloody minded determination that brought us this far until given no other option but to perish completely in the dusty shadow of our failure.
The iron would be mined from the rich and concentrated iron ore veins we once called junkyards, industrial estates, military bases etc.

If anything it would be even more plentiful and abundant as even the deposits nature didnt make it easy to get will have been mined up by humanity's first civilisation and deposited nicely on the surface.

How do you turn rust back into iron? Is it easy? Can it be done without modern technology? Who knows how to do it? Did they survive?

Of course its worth remembering that if people can survive, so too can artefacts, and information. The ancient scrolls of israel wont be religious texts but the blueprints for merkava. Its really hard to imagine a situation that allows humanity to survive yet destroys everything we've built and learned.

Everything online would go quickly. Digital hard copies would last longer, but would survivors have access to them and have the equipment to read them and have the electricity to power the equipment? Paper generally doesn't last anywhere near as long as parchment, so even paper copies are temporary. Even assuming that the information is available to some groups of survivors, how could they make use of it? You mentioned merkava. I looked that up - it's a top quality modern tank. The blueprints for that would be of little use without the facilities, infrastructure, supply chains and power to run a suitable manufacturing facility.

If we dont make it off this planet before resources become an issue then it'll be a population culling, to make those resources last longer and longer, one child policy here, genetic virus there, nuke a country or ten. We'll hold on with the bloody minded determination that brought us this far until given no other option but to perish completely in the dusty shadow of our failure.

Maybe population will decline voluntarily. More prosperous countries often have a downward trend in population. Maybe if things go well population will reduce to more sustainable levels quickly enough, in combination with more sustainable use of resources and acquisition of offworld resources (e.g. automated asteroid mining). Maybe. It seems a stretch to me, but humanity does have form for pulling last minute solutions out of the air when problems become impossible to ignore.

Maybe this is one of the great filters in that hypothesis explaining the Fermi paradox.
What will happen is that the sun will bloat into a red giant and then shrink into a red dwarf. All life on Earth will be killed, but in a slower way than a supernova. It would be worse than a supernova for any life that might still exist on Earth at that point in time.

We'll be done well before the red giant phase. As the Sun is using up its hydrogen the core is shrinking, which leads to greater pressure and an increase in the fusion rate leading to an increase in luminosity and heat, currently at the rate of ~1% every 100 million years. We've got about 1 billion years before we end up with runaway temperatures like Venus and about 3.5 billion years, when the Sun is 40% brighter and hotter than now, when we will be an arid rock. The red giant phase is estimated to start around 5.5 billion years from now.
We'll be done well before the red giant phase. As the Sun is using up its hydrogen the core is shrinking, which leads to greater pressure and an increase in the fusion rate leading to an increase in luminosity and heat, currently at the rate of ~1% every 100 million years. We've got about 1 billion years before we end up with runaway temperatures like Venus and about 3.5 billion years, when the Sun is 40% brighter and hotter than now, when we will be an arid rock. The red giant phase is estimated to start around 5.5 billion years from now.

I've learnt something today, so thanks for that. I vaguely knew that it would get hotter on Earth before Sol became a red giant, but not by that much that long before it did.

Still, a billion years is a hell of a long time. If humanity hasn't become extinct by then (a big if) who knows what it will be capable of?
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