What is the most impressive game you know of?

Far Cry and BF2 @ full settings :D

console wise, Res Evil on GC and Halo, first one for multiplayer wowness and second for overall wowness

the biggest ever wow factor i can remember was when i got my XBL Beta pack...not really a game in itself but its always provided massive 'wows' for games online...until BF2 and teamspeak anyway...
Davey_Pitch said:
The Omaha Beach level on MOH:AA was one of the most impressive levels in any game I've ever played. You really had a feel for what it was like with gunfire all around and people getting blown up. Great game, but that level was something special.

More to be added as I think of them....

Agreed, awesome part of an awesome game.
KennyBhoy said:
Resident Evil 4 impressed the hell out of me......I couldn't believe the little Cube was churning out such an awesome game :eek:

Same here. Beats the pant off of anything I've seen on the XBox.

Super Smash brother is also the best multiplayer game I have ever played, with PSO:1+2 being the best online experience I've ever had. The community I was in was simply amazing with everyone spamming their custom goodbye emotes with the sad note playing when one person said they were going offline, it really pulled my heart strings.
The first hour of Doom3 was the most memorable in modern games. I thought the COD stalingrad beginning was better than the beach.

But probably the best of all time was the train ride into black mesa on HL1, back then, it was awesome, really setting the scene.
Realising just how big the Elite series of games really were in terms of complexity. You could go for ages searching the maps and each system was unique.
Playing the original Doom, darkened room, sound turned up, some friends watching who had never heard of Doom or had much knowledge of PCs/ games. First time a mob jumped out they let out a collective "Arggggh!". Classic :)
The sheer size of San Andreas and the fact that you can pretty much do anything you can think of.

Still keeping me entertained 10 months on.
Davey_Pitch said:
The Omaha Beach level on MOH:AA was one of the most impressive levels in any game I've ever played. You really had a feel for what it was like with gunfire all around and people getting blown up. Great game, but that level was something special.

More to be added as I think of them....

Same here :)
Davey_Pitch said:
I'll add Mafia as well, the opening sequence was incredible and really brought you into the game. The whole thing was amazing, but the opening set it up perfectly.
Was gonna mention Mafia too. No game has ever captured me like this one, and I only bought it late last year, but was blown away by how authentic it was, not to mention the awesome gameplay, storyline everything in one. The theme tune played in the opening credits was just gorgeous - got it on me mp3 player :D
Being entranced by the looping demo reel of Wing Commander 3, playing in a computer shop just before Christmas in 1994.

Heralding the start of Origin's Interactive Movie range, the game also boasted an impressive graphics engine with SVGA (640x480) capability provided you had a Pentium 60MHz or faster (those were the days! :D ). While the gameplay was diverse and engaging, when I first saw the demo reel I was completely blown away by the experience and the incredibly high (for the time) production value. I just could not believe that those visuals were running on a home computer -- remember this is 1994!


Probably my best memory is when my friend just got their almost-top-of-the-line P2 400, 256mb PC133, 20gb, Creative Banshee 16mb gfx card, 19" crt and SB Live 1024 with 4.1 speakers, turning the lights down, sound up, and firing up Unreal.

Never before had I seen such good graphics (especially on such a huge monitor), or heard such sound. To hear sound from all around you, and that first level when there's knocking and creaking and screaming coming from everywhere - that was my most impressive moment - the time that Hi-Res and surround sound gaming started for me!

Also, COD was awesome - one of the only games i've played all the way through, I too thought the boat ride as the Russians was awesome, it really did set the scene, then going into the thick of things in the middle of Stalingrad - it was awesome! :)
Interesting to see a few people mention Omaha Beach in MOHAA here, IMO MOHPA betters this with it's beach landing sequence (even more chaotic) and also the very intense Pearl Harbour "introductuary" level.

For me I'd have to say Unreal starts of fantastically; first off you are onboard Vortex Rikers, taking in the audio and visual treats such as reflective surfaces, hearing someone get massacred behind a closed door etc. Then on the second level you step outside the spaceship, the jaw drops to the floor as you see the scale of the Unreal engine, with a huge open 3d area in front of you. And then of course the 3rd level, when you reach a deadend, the lights start going off one-by-one, you run back and find your retreat blocked, until it all goes black and you meet your first Skaarj. Fantastic.

Stalingrad in CoD was good as mentioned.

I'd imagine that the Hong Kong level of Deus Ex was very impressive to those that played it in 2000.

Doom2 multiplayer... just wow

Forsaken simply for outrageously good (if slightly over the top) visuals
Gran Turismo, when that first came out i didn't sleep the first night just to play it, and i had to go home from uni the next next day as it's Easter Holiday.
I found, those scripted games like COD, MOHAA, too linear after the games that had gone before it.

Someone mentioned Doom, I'd have to go with that aswell. Seeing the orignal Wolfenstein 3D was amazing. 3D for the first time.
RicardoSmith said:
Someone mentioned Doom, I'd have to go with that aswell. Seeing the orignal Wolfenstein 3D was amazing. 3D for the first time.
Ahh I loved Wolfenstein 3D, one of the first PC games I played years ago I think :o
Very fun game :) Used to have it on the GBA too as I loved it so much.
BrynS said:
Being entranced by the looping demo reel of Wing Commander 3, playing in a computer shop just before Christmas in 1994.

Heralding the start of Origin's Interactive Movie range, the game also boasted an impressive graphics engine with SVGA (640x480) capability provided you had a Pentium 60MHz or faster (those were the days! :D ). While the gameplay was diverse and engaging, when I first saw the demo reel I was completely blown away by the experience and the incredibly high (for the time) production value. I just could not believe that those visuals were running on a home computer -- remember this is 1994!



Strike Commander was the dogs, i think that was before Wing Commander, I remember the advert, it runs best on a `Intel 486DX2" This was when everyone had 386dx's or a 486sx 25mhz if you was rich :)
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