Bloody hell... I didnt expect so many people to get into this one.
Named some gorgeous games there.
My first forray into the 3D World as we know it today, was UnReal Tournament on a P200MMX & Maxi-Gamer 3D ( Voodoo 1 )
My god, I was blown away by that.
Before that was Wolfenstein and AvP on the Atari Jaguar.
Back then, games were much more immersive... Youused your mind a lot more to fill in the details than you do now, with todays graphics... Much like a book can be so much better than a film.
And while Doom3 certainly made me feel a little like a baby in some places, the older ones made me jump.
I suppose these days its gettingso that we have seen it all and they are losing the edge in many ways
Who has played Doom64 on the N64? - Those of you who have, I think its level 13, but cant be 100% on this, but in the background, is slow gothic horror music, and rolling thunder sounds, and lightning flashes, but the one thing that has given me nightmares, is that in the background you can hear babies crying... Sick!
Also, have to hand it to FarCry... At first I wasnt all that impressed with it to be honest, basing my main games on UnReal / Tourney / Doom / Quake, and then going to FarCry, its a completely different way of playing... This was somethign that I didnt like at first, but then it all became natural and the game was just sweet after that.
However, OTTOMH I cannot point out a particular point in FarCry that really did it for me... Not really. not somethign that hit me like it did with HL2 etc, nor can I say anythign for Halo actually, but both those games are still great games for me, I have only played them the once, and I am deliberately holding back on another run through them in case I end up doing what I have done with Quake 1 + 2 and I just play those now just to see how fast I can finish them.... Quake 1 in way under half an hour, and Quake 2 in under 4 hours. Now thats sad, and I dont want to ruin these like that.
Although admittedly, I got UnReal after UnReal 2, and I have never finished UnReal, so thast spolit it for me, I have finished UnReal 2 6 times now.
I am currently working on a walk through for a friend in HL2, grabbing screenies every few seconds which is irritating, btu its also showing me where I can improve my own game too!
Right, thats it.