I dont directly believe god exists,im agnostic,however the idea of god being outside time is correct,it fits perfectly with big bang theory,space-time is what the universe is,the combination of 3 dimensions and time,we are 3 dimensional under control of the 4th.
If you were a 4th dimensional being(as opposed to 3 which you and i are) then youd actually see everything at once,youd remember yesterday and tommorow,youll not need to look round a corner to see whats there as youll already know.
God could be very multidimensional as hed be OUTSIDE his creation of space time.
If god does exist then he can certainly prevent a time paradox,like hawkings cosmic time sensor hypothesis.
you go back in time to shoot yourself,trying to kill your past self,but the bullet hits your earlier selfs shoulder,reason is because you have a bad shoulder cos of that bullet hitting you all them years ago and cant hold the gun properly.
I dissagree with hawking,i also dissagree with einstien on some things,remember einstien didnt like quantum theorys,
when he was shown how uncertain the quantum world was he made his famous quote:
"god does not play dice"
Yes he does,the universe on a quantum scale seems to be uncertain,yet in the classical world certain,how can this be?
Why is it you cannot measure both the speed and location of a particle at the same time?
theres nothing wrong with equipment,its the principle of nature,it does not allow both at the same time which in the classical world(seeing as quantum physics makes the classical world) seem obsurd and UNABSOLUTE to common sense.
Why is it that in the 2 slit experiment when its allowed two options theres an interference suggesting that it knows about both options but takes a particular route when you are looking,it does it with electrons,photons etc.
Basically in the quantum world it behaves as if:
a)none of anything we see is real
b)everythings real but has multiple possibilitys,in other words in the quantum world it makes all choices somehow somewhere(parallel worlds,many world lines,multiverse etc).
Now i choose to believe B,due to the fact im level headed and logical.Also cos im only really given them options,give me more and maybe id choose something else,you have to prove it though through thought experimentation or practical application.
If you choose A it means you believe your house does not exist untill someone looks at it to confirm its there,the house,the universe only exists cos someones looking at it,
OH DEAR this means there has to be a god,it also means that if god ceases to exist so do we,and who observes the observers?