Originally posted by Tweek_1984
Thats like saying I went on a plane with a litre of water and came off with slightly less than the litre I left on the ground. Time on clocks is solid, it doesnt change if you go faster. Clocks are merely machines. How can they be altered by speed? The clocks dont know they are on planes? They should operate as normal.
The clocks are aware they are in a moving frame of reference.
This all stems from the speed of light being the same in all inertial frames. This is obviously a problem. If you are moving faster than someone you'd see light moving at a different speed logically but this is wrong.
Becuase of this fact a whole branch of physics was created to deal with that. Its not to hard (I had a lecture proving it on Thursday) to derive a series of equations that show as your speed increases relative to an interial frame time becomes slower for you and lengths become shorter.
Its not that the clocks are dodgy in some way and when moving on the plane screw up. Since the planes are moving compared to Earth's intertial frame the very fabric of space around them alters in such a way the plane's "time dimension" slows. To people on the plane nothing happens. To a person on the ground looking at the people on the plane the people on the plane would be moving slower than normal (obviously for a plane there isn't a noticable difference but if the plane moved at half the speed of light it'd be very obvious).
I think of it as, we are living in a 4 dimensional universe. 3 spacial and 1 temporal. If you move faster in the spacial dimensions you slow in the temporal dimension. Its like we have a "total" speed over the 4 dimensions. We are unaware of the time one really, but we can notice when he are moving in the spacial. Moving quickly in the spacial reduces our speed in time so we slow down.
I've a book on time travel and about things like logical paradoxes. Some things can#t be allowed, while others are possible.
There are methods of time travel that allow travel to the past but they all involve things like "an infinite length rotating cylinder" or for the universe to have a certain curvature which doesn't appear to be the same as our universes.
Other problems arrive when talking about travelling into the past, not just the "kill yourself" one. Look at Terminator. The machines send back The Terminator to kill Sarah. He fails but leaves behind his brain chip and an arm. From these remains the company creates the new computer chips, Skylab is built from that and the Machines are born. But who invented the CPU technology? The machines are based on it, but it was manufactured by the company who got the design from the machines, hence an infinite loop. This technology appears to have just created itself in the universe. Hmmm.......
I've got my 4th Special Relativity lecture tomorrow. Even though its Bank Holiday Monday I've got 2 hours of lectures at 10am......