Originally posted by DOOM
I thought up a theoretical device that shifts your current brain pattern into a previous or alternate state.
Then i realised perhaps we do it often,perhaps on a quantum scale our memory is not memory at all but time travel,hence the reason you cannot remember anything to full extent,you actually mentally travel backwards,not physically but you cant hold that thought for long,memory is not that effective.
Also:dreams,perhaps some(not all) dreams are images of what an alternate you is seeing in alternate timelines/universes.
Your not gonna remember much when waking up cos memory is like that as i stated already.
Our memory is not memory,its not coherent,i can think back willingly but its hard to see everything in any detail,your senses dont quiet shift but at the same time they do,memory is vague,it supposedly all seems to be there but is not if you get what i mean.
By rights if memory is only memory,you should not be able to remember what something tastes like without actually tasting it,but you can almost if you physically decide "hmmn let me think what that pizza tasted like" and you can almost taste it.
Truth is our memory is selectable,i can remember a few minutes ago in vague detail,and distant past in vague detail.
All this BS about long term,medium term memory is rubbish,its all the same,memory is memory unless you get brain damaged,and thats still to do with brain neurons.
You are technically both brain damaged and paralised when you are asleep,then you wake up and memory of the dreams is the same as in waking life memory:vague and selective.
Them two words are important:vague and selective
Memory,true memory might not work the way we think,it certainly dont seem to be a storehouse cos why cant i remember anything except what i might choose to remember,yet it all seems to be there.