After reading the latest from Meghan and Harry I felt I had to return to this thread. My previous posts I think focused to much on discrimination and racism rather than the topic of white privilege.
So previously Meghan and Harry have talked about white privilege, as many other celebrities do, and now they are calling for an end to 'structural racism'.
I think both the mind set of white privilege and that there is structural racism in 2020 is extremely dangerous.
We have to try and see how these messages are being heard by people in the black community. It is saying that no matter what they do they will always be stopped from progressing because they aren't white.
This, in 2020, is wrong. White people are around 7% of the worlds population. I think we have to ask ourselves the question how we, as a minority race in the world become so successful. We did it by trading with each other. If anyone of 'the race' got something we used it to our advantage. If we went to new lands we welcomed all to trade with us and give our brethren a helping hand. But we have to remember that nothing we did was exceptional. We managed to craft things, trade within our own ethnic group, and for a time put restrictions on trading with other groups - mainly because we were still in a minority.
The theme behind 'white privilege' and saying there is 'structural racism' is saying if you aren't white then you can't get on. But when we look at other racial and ethnic groups in Britain they have got on and become successful. There are plenty of Indian, Pakistani, Chinese etc millionaires who have made their fortunes after growing up in Britain as have established themselves here. They also have the bonus that they have a better chance of expanding their business empire in to other countries culturally similarly as their own culture. So how as white privilege and structural racism held them back?
There will always be some resistance if you look or sound different to the majority of people in the country. But this can be for any reason, not just because the person isn't white. I think many polish people have experience some forms of discrimination when deciding to settle in Britain, and they have been around and helped us since world war 2. So there is a lot of cultural similarities but they still experience discrimination. This situation would also be the case in countries predominantly of a non-white colour, like an African country, Asia country, South American country etc.
It isn't any surprise that there are a lot of Chinese or Pakistani/Bangladeshi take aways, and corner shops.. or taxi companies. They might have had resistance to starting those businesses up. But there are now some millionaires. I have a Bangladeshi friend whos grandfather owns 8 take away businesses, a resturant, and a clothing business. The majority of customers are from the Bangladeshi/Pakistani and Indian communities, as well as a sizable amount of white patrons too.
The key to becoming a success seems to be to create a product that the community you grew up in would buy and stay loyal too. Always on nightouts I'd always go to my friends family businesses when I needed something to eat. So even if people believed there was a white conspiracy then it wouldn't matter as there are many proven real world examples were you can run a successful business with nearly zero white customers.
The white privilege and structural racism points are vindictive because it doesn't even debate the point. It's literally saying to black people specifically there is nothing you can do in this life because of the system in place. Young people don't have the perspective to challenge that statement, especially when its coming from high profile people like Meghan and Harry. So on the one hand they are celebrating black history month while on the other hand demoralising them by saying "oops sorry, Whitey as taken over and you can't do anything about it". We see every other race setting up businesses and making money. There is no reason why black people can't do that. I admired the black activists promoting 'black pound day' as its a step in the right direction. But they wouldn't have needed to do that if it wasn't from the demoralisation with coming out with statements trying to undermine whole communities.
There was a satirical video posted a few months back that was showing how woke and racist people speak a similar language. It is true. The racist will say it to your face, while woke people will patronise you and say "oh well, you can't help it". Both opinions are equally as damaging in my opinion.