What is wrong?

6 Jun 2005
think the OP shot his load early on this one :p


Well done to the whole teamGB - they have done fantastically well imo

A few of the youngsters have seemingly sprung out of nowhere (although Im sure they have bust their guts for months / years before the games to get where they are)

Proud to be British - especially consisdering the crazy amounts of sponsorships most fo the American athletes get
18 Oct 2002
What amazes me is that we've reached this monumental achievement despite some of the more high-profile athletes not quite living up to their billing.

Cavendish, Pendleton, Addlington, Dailey*, Tweddle... the list goes on – They have all under-achieved for one reason or another.

However, we've made history in the Men's Gymnastics, Tennis, Double-trap Shooting and Equestrian.

It's been fantastic!

*He may still do well in the individual event.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells

We're 35th in terms of total medals against GDP (since there's direct way to measure the Olympic funding), and 20th for golds.

So yeah, as I said before, it's hardly worth bragging about when you put it like that. I've seen so many "yeah but if you look at the population..." posts in the last week it's tiresome now.

Nah, this is more tiresome by far I can assure you. They have taken plenty into account in those tables yet will have ignored hundreds of others factors. Climate, use of facilities, how their youth setup works, not just the funding etc.

We are doing much much much better than we should be or ever expected. We are beating our traditional rivals in the table and doing really well.



18 Jul 2012
We've a few more gold possibilities ahead and the best performance we've put in in 100 years. We should all be very very proud.
6 Jun 2005
What amazes me is that we've reached this monumental achievement despite some of the more high-profile athletes not quite living up to their billing.

Cavendish, Pendleton, Addlington, Dailey*, Tweddle... the list goes on – They have all under-achieved for one reason or another.

However, we've made history in the Men's Gymnastics, Tennis, Double-trap Shooting and Equestrian.

It's been fantastic!

*He may still do well in the individual event.

I think its a little harsh slating a couple of those

Yes its possible to say the tactics for the Men's road race was wrong, but either way it was obvious other teams were not going to help GB (even though they would stand a better chance of getting a medal as well). From the GB's team point of view it was a lose-lose situation (ie they take off with Wiggo /Froome and "protect" Cav and build a healthy lead but no -one else comes with them, so they get swamped before the end anyway or they stick with the group)

Still think it was very harsh on VP being relegated on the 1st ride of three given Anna Mears bumped her to start with . Adlington came up against one of those swimmers that appear once in a generation (I think that was what Foster said in commentary anyway). Tweddle had an operation on her knee not long ago - she did excellently just getting to the games imo.

Sometimes the press inflate expectation far too much - its not under-performing thats the issue
18 Oct 2002
Nah, this is more tiresome by far I can assure you. They have taken plenty into account in those tables yet will have ignored hundreds of others factors. Climate, use of facilities, how their youth setup works, not just the funding etc.

We are doing much much much better than we should be or ever expected. We are beating our traditional rivals in the table and doing really well.
I'm not knocking our achievements, I just think it's a bit silly to start bringing in other factors into how well we've done, when there are a lot of countries below us that are having even more remarkable achievements in those areas.

I think its a little harsh slating a couple of those
It didn't sound like he was "slating" them to me, just that those were some of the pre-Olympics names that were touted as our biggest gold favourites, and they've not managed it. That's the beauty of the Olympics for me - sometimes the favourite just can't perform on the day. You get some great underdog stories from that.
18 Oct 2002
It didn't sound like he was "slating" them to me, just that those were some of the pre-Olympics names that were touted as our biggest gold favourites, and they've not managed it. That's the beauty of the Olympics for me - sometimes the favourite just can't perform on the day. You get some great underdog stories from that.

Exactly this. I wasn't blaming any of them, just saying that despite some of our 'guaranteed' gold medal winners not winning, we've done incredibly well.

To be fair we did start off very slow and it did highlight some of the events we need to work on. Swimming in particular.

I know this has been covered in the swimming thread an I know we didn't achieve our medal target, but GB got more swimmers into finals than any other country apart from China and America (and a GB record).

They might not have won medals in those finals, but it's still an achievement to be built on, rather than a failure to be criticised.
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19 May 2005
I haven't watched any events today as I have been enjoying the sun, just checked the medals table and Russia are almost caught up to us :eek:.

Please tell me they don't have enough events left to get more golds.

Man of Honour
31 Jan 2004
They might not have won medals in those finals, but it's still an achievement to be built on, rather than a failure to be criticised.
Absolutely - when I was ending my swimming a few years back, it was just getting 'serious' with new programmes being introduced, new coaching methods, etc.

Then there was the good Beijing performance, and new swimmers coming through.

This Olympics has seen people I used to compete with take part, people from my little old club, and other people I knew. I'm sure they'll be back in Rio :)
9 Sep 2011
I haven't watched any events today as I have been enjoying the sun, just checked the medals table and Russia are almost caught up to us :eek:.

Please tell me they don't have enough events left to get more golds.


I don't think there are enough events that they're competing in to overtake us.

Plus I believe we have two gold medal hopes in the boxing tomorrow.
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