What is your cold remedy of choice?

Lemsip (well the supermarket's version) with a little hot water topped up with OJ - it makes it palatable. Add a dissolvable Vit C tablet into it.
Vicks (again supermarket version - a quarter of the price)
Bowl of spicy chicken ramen or Thai spicy soup
JD Tennessee Fire
No one mentioned a hot toddy yet?!

Pop the kettle on. Whiskey + lemon juice + honey in a heat resistant glass. Preferably one of those glasses with a detachable metal handle like you ones you get in Caffe Nero with hot chocolate in it. Add the boiling water to the whiskey/lemon/honey mix. Stir.
Lemon juice, ginger and honey in hot water was a winner. Pills seem ok. Now it's after hours the ginger+lemon will be getting a bit of whiskey, for science.
Another lemsip vote, will start taking as soon as think got cold. If sore throat is one of symptoms have some peach schnapps from Germany which has effect of not feeling throat again for a few hours. A barman one recommended port and brandy, which did seem to work, but don't have either at home so lemsip's will have to do.
Let everyone know I am suffering a terrible cold. Then the healing can begin.

This was definitely the most effective method, I'm feeling much better today and obviously having a moan on the forum was the cure.

I read ancient Sanskrit manuscripts with a fake Welsh accent.

I don't even know what that sounds like but it sounds like a recipe for a voice over track at a rave.
No one mentioned a hot toddy yet?!

Pop the kettle on. Whiskey + lemon juice + honey in a heat resistant glass. Preferably one of those glasses with a detachable metal handle like you ones you get in Caffe Nero with hot chocolate in it. Add the boiling water to the whiskey/lemon/honey mix. Stir.

My man, I have mine now without whiskey so it's nowhere near as effective, but for those who can drink, do it

Oh and add an lemon riddled with cloves for the ultimate effect.
I dunno details but just saw a friend of mine swears by some concoction involving an Oxo cube and onion and garlic, sounds foul - but I do find sometimes a simple soup using an Oxo cube and boiling water with a splash of milk can help pick me up in the late stages of a cold, though generally a tin of chicken soup or ideally home made works better.
Lemon, honey and alcohol seem to be the clear winners in this thread, goes to show these natural remedies work, instead of ramming man made chemicals down your throat
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